Read column action

The Read column action in the Excel advanced package enables you to extract data from a column and stores it in a list variable of string data type.


  • Select the From active cell or From specific cell option to specify the starting point. You can also select the Read full column option to extract data for the entire column.
  • Choose from the Read option to read either the visible text or value of the cell.

    For example, if the cell has 70% as cell content, Read cell value option will read the value as 70 ignoring the % format whereas Read visible text option will read the content as 70%.

    Recommendation: Use the Read cell value option as reading value from a cell for better performance than reading visible text.
  • Enter the name of the session used to open the workbook with the Open action.
  • Select a table variable to store the extracted values.
    Note: This action overwrites any existing values in the selected table.
    The Control Room shows a descriptive default variable name. If you create several output variables, subsequent variable names are appended with a -1, -2, -3, and so on to avoid duplication.