Opportunities in the pipeline stage are either being reviewed, planned, or prioritized but not yet active. At this point, resources, budgets, or approvals might be in the process of being assigned. The pipeline represents opportunities that are moving closer to becoming actionable but are not yet underway.

The pipeline section includes key details such as opportunity name, the business unit it belongs to, overall score, percentage alignment, complexity, forecasted savings, and total costs. You can filter ideas by using the awaiting approval status (yes or no), business unit, or date range to focus on suitable opportunities.

Clicking the four achievement cards above reveals a breakdown of opportunities in the pipeline stage by business unit. Selecting the number next to a business unit displays hyperlinks for each opportunity, allowing you to navigate directly into the opportunity pages. This feature simplifies exploration and tracking of opportunities across different business units, enhancing visibility into their details.

Opportunities in pipeline

This widget shows the number of opportunities in the pipeline stage, along with the total count in the CoE Manager instance for comparison. These are opportunities that are approved by a business user at the Idea stage and are now pending administrator approval to progress to the next stage. This process helps streamline project tracking and enhances strategic focus across initiatives.

Benefits in pipeline

This widget displays the projected benefits (such as financial gains, cost savings, or efficiency improvements) associated with each opportunity. This enables you to assess the potential value of projects in the pipeline and prioritize high-impact opportunities and track their progress against strategic goals.

Awaiting approval

This widget highlights opportunities awaiting administrator approval to advance to the next stage, helping you identify where decisions are needed to ensure timely project progression and minimize pipeline delays.

Additionally, the widget lists opportunities that are not in approval, that is the opportunities have not been approved by a business analyst. Only approved opportunities appear in the prioritization bubble chart, where administrators evaluate them against specific criteria for advancement to the next stage.

Benefits in approval

This widget displays the projected benefits of opportunities awaiting approval, allowing you to assess the potential savings value of pending opportunities. It aids in prioritization and decision-making by highlighting the benefits that could be realized if these opportunities are approved.

Prioritization bubble chart

The prioritization bubble chart displays the a comparison of the automation opportunities. The opportunities are compared through three dimensions. The x-axis measures the value of an opportunity based on %alignment, the y-axis through complexity score, and the bubble size depicts the expected savings.

The %alignment for an opportunity is the aggregate impact the opportunity has been determined to have on the organization’s strategic objectives. The complexity score for an initiative is a numeric value associated with the complexity estimate assigned to an opportunity.

Each bubble represents an opportunity, with its position indicating alignment with strategic goals and complexity, while the size reflects its expected savings. The larger the bubble and farthest to the right-top corner are the highest priority opportunities. This visual helps you quickly assess and prioritize opportunities, focusing on high-alignment and lower-complexity opportunities for better resource allocation and impact.

Opportunities are advanced to the next stage for automation development based on their %alignment score, as visualized in the bubble chart. The decision to assign the development to either a Citizen Developer or a professional developer is determined by the opportunity's complexity score.

The Approval table provides a detailed, tabular view of all opportunities in the pipeline stage. It includes key information such as the opportunity name, associated business unit, overall score, %alignment, forecasted savings, complexity, total costs, and the implementation and last updated date.