Send an API request to connect Document Automation with the extraction service.

Note: You will need the following information:
When working with API URL trusted list for Standard Forms:
  • Add only Azure AI Document Intelligence services API URL to the trusted list at Bot Runner end.
  • Add the following URLs to the trusted list at the Control Room end:
    • SAS (blob) URL
    • Azure AI Document Intelligence services API URL
    • (Required for specific document type rendering)
Note: To obtain a Microsoft Azure API Key, raise a support case with the account name or tenant name, validity period (usually till expiry of license), and region (refer to Azure Products by Region) for standard forms in description through Apeople page. For any issue, reach out to CSM or AE.

For Document Automation Cloud


PUT <Cloud Host Url>/cognitive/v3/formrecognizer/config
Headers: X-Authorization - <IQBot Admin User Auth token >
Request body:

"formRecognizerApi": "https://<Form Recognizer Endpoint (for example:>",    
"formRecognizerKey": "<Form Recognizer API key1 or key2 (for example: 7d3614e94...)>",    
"blobStorageSas": "https://<storage account sas_url (for example:>" 

For Document Automation On-Premises


PUT <On-Premises Machine ip_address or localhost:port>/cognitive/v3/formrecognizer/config
Headers: X-Authorization - <IQBot Admin User Auth token >
Request body:

"formRecognizerApi": "https://<Form Recognizer Endpoint (for example:>",    
"formRecognizerKey": "<Form Recognizer API key1 or key2 (for example: 7d3614e94...)>",    
"blobStorageSas": "https://<storage account sas_url (for example:>" 

Next steps

Log in as the Learning instance creator user to Create a custom extraction model using Standard Forms.