Use the If Else If and If Else actions to change the flow of execution in an automation task based on certain conditions.

To use the actions in the If package, do the following:


  1. Double-click or drag the If action from the If package in the Actions palette.
  2. Select the required condition from the Condition list.
    See If package for a list of available conditions.
  3. Drag the actions to be executed if the condition is satisfied within the If condition.
  4. Double-click or drag the Else If action from the If package in the Actions palette to include alternative actions to run if the condition for the If action is false, and if the condition for the Else If action is true.
  5. Drag the actions to be executed if the condition is satisfied within the Else If condition.
  6. Double-click or drag the Else action from the If package in the Actions palette to include actions to run if the conditions for the If and Else If actions are false.
  7. Drag the actions to be executed if the condition is satisfied within the Else condition.
  8. Click Save.