Based on the Work Item status, you can do only certain actions on a Work Item.

Work item - status and actions

The following table provides a description of each Work Item status and the action you can do on a Work Item having that status:

Work item lifecycle

You can create work items in bulk by uploading them through a CSV file or by using the REST API. When you upload a large number of work items using a CSV file, they are inserted in multiple batches and status of newly inserted work items is marked as Draft until all of them are inserted from the file. Following is the work item lifecycle through various statuses:
  • Data error: When work items fail while inserting from a CSV file, they are marked as Data error.
  • New: When all the work items are inserted from the CSV file, the work item status marked as New.
  • Ready to run: When a work item is cached and ready to process, the work item status changes from New to Ready to run.
  • On hold: When a user does not want to process a work item, it is marked as On hold.
  • Active: When work item is sent to the Bot Runner, the status is changed to Active.
  • Completed: When work item is processed successfully, the status is marked as Completed.
  • Failed: When a work item fails during processing, the status is marked as Failed.
  • Unknown: When a device fails to report back on the status of work item processing, it is marked as Unknown.