You can quickly update bots to a secure, stable, and default package version across multiple bots.


Recommended: Ensure that only Control Room administrators perform the bulk package update process.
  • To update bots to the default package version, ensure you have the View packages permission and the permission to edit bots .

    When you begin the bulk update process, this action updates the bots in a Public workspace for which you have check-out permission, and any bots using the non-default version of the specific package.

  • To view the Bot update page in the Control Room and to view the bulk update reports, ensure that you have the View bot update permission.
  • To perform the bulk package update action, ensure that you have the Manage bot update permission.
  • Verify the bots are compatible with the current default version of the package.
  • Navigate to Administration > Settings > Bots > Bot validation to turn on the bot validation.
  • When you update the bots to the default package version, ensure that the bots are not checked out until the process is completed.
  • Do not disable the package while the bulk update process is running.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Bot update.
  2. Click the Update Bots drop-down and click Package Version.
  3. On the Update - Package Version page, define the settings.
    1. Name: Shows a system-generated name for the update function.
    2. Optional: Description: Add a description for the update package version function.
    3. If the current version is higher than the default version, then downgrade the current version by selecting the Downgrade version if the current version is greater than default option.
      Note: If you downgrade the packages, then the bot might show an error. This happens because the higher version of the package might have additional attributes that are not available in the lower version.
    4. View and search the list of available packages by the Status, Name, and Version.
    5. Select the required packages and click the right arrow () to add your selection.
    6. Select the required packages from the selection list and click Next.
    You are redirected to the Bots section.
  4. On the Select bots to update page, update bots and dependencies using:
    • Latest version: Click the Latest version tab to select the latest version of the bot.
    • Production label: Click the Production label tab to select the labeled version of the bot.
    • If you select the Production label option for the parent bot, then the corresponding dependent bots with the Production label are also automatically selected. If any of the dependent bots do not have the Production label applied, then the latest version of the bot is selected.
    • By default, the Bots folder is selected.

  5. Choose from the followings options to update bots and dependencies.
    • Update all bots
      1. Select Update all bots option to update all the automations and dependent files that use those packages and need an update.
      2. Click Next to review the selected bots and dependencies that you selected for the update.
      3. Click Update-Package Version.
    • Custom
      1. Select a Task Bot to process in the queue from the list.
        Tip: You can use the search field to find a Task Bot quickly.
      2. From the list of available bots, select the required bots for which you want to update the package version.
        Note: You can select a maximum of 1000 bots with the dependencies for bulk package update.
        You can select bots based on the following parameters:
        • Type: Select one of these values: Folder, Task Bot, .ATMS Task Bot, .MBOT Task Bot, Form, and Process.
        • Name: Search the required bot by its name.
        • Code Analysis results: Select one of these values: N/A, Not scanned, No violations, Low severity, and High severity.
      3. Click the right arrow () to add your selection.
      4. Select the required bots from the selection list and click Next.

        You are redirected to the Bots and Dependent Bots section.

      5. Review the selected bots and dependencies that you selected for the update.
      6. Click Update-Package Version.
    The system starts updating all the selected bots and dependencies in the Control Room repository which contain the selected packages. If any of the bots are not using the default version of the packages, those bots are updated.
    Note: When you update the bots to default package version, and if the process fails in between, the system will continue to update the remaining bots without any disruption.

    Consider a scenario where you are updating a large number of bots, say 1000, and a batch of 100 fails due to an issue. Despite this, the system allows the remaining 900 bots to continue processing, demonstrating its scalability.

  6. On the Bot update list page, click the three dot icon next to the required update to perform the following actions:
    The Bot update list provides a comprehensive view of the update status, including the number of completed, failed, skipped, and stopped bots, along with other details such as status, name, start and end time, duration required for the update, and user details (such as username) who initiated the package update.
    • Stop activity: Click Stop activity to cancel a bulk package update activity that is currently in progress. You can use this option to stop the bulk update process for any reason, such as the process run takes longer time than expected. When you stop the process, a confirmation message displays the total number of bots selected to use the default package version and the number of bots that have been updated so far.

      As the bots are being processed in batches of 100, stopping the process in between might take some time. When you stop the process midway, it will finish processing the currently running batch before stopping.

      For example, consider you selected 200 bots to update the package version and immediately clicked the Stop button to cancel the bulk update process. As the bulk update process was initiated and you stopped it halfway, it will stop after it completes updating one batch of 100 bots.

    • View update bot details: Click View update bot details to view a detailed report.
    A report displays the following information:
    • Summary: Summary of the package update process with selected bots and dependencies.
    • Settings: Settings defined in the package update process with selected packages.
    • Results: Result of the package update process with these details such as status, type of bot, name of the bots and dependent files, folder path, name of the Bot Runner, and reason why the bot skipped or failed status.
For an example of this procedure, see Example of updating default package version across bots .