Control the data that the Process Discovery cloud platform receives by using the Process Discovery Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG). PEG redacts sensitive data that is included in video frames collected by the Process Discovery desktop sensor. This redaction occurs within your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) before the data is forwarded to the Process Discovery cloud for analysis.

Install Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) to limit Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and sensitive data capture: Install PEG

Important: We recommend using Process Discovery version 3.3.16 and above for higher data reliability. This would ensure that the error rate, if any, is within acceptable limits of the Process Discovery Platform to process events data effectively without any issues for events synced across Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) and the Process Discovery Platform.

After performing the installation steps, configure PEG to mask words and send the redacted images to the Process Discovery platform: Configure PEG image redaction

Note: Learn how to use Process Discovery Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) with Automation Anywhere University for hands-on learning that is designed for beginners to advanced developers. Instructor-led training options are also available.

For more information, see Process Discovery for Administrators (A-People login required): Access the Process Discovery for Administrators learning trail.