The Bot Insight dashboard provides a host of highly customizable widgets that you can use to gain insights for specific scenarios.

When you select a particular bot, the default widgets automatically appear in the Dashboard window. You can select the widgets and reposition them in the dashboard. To search for specific information, use the Smart Filter function. You can enter the search parameters in the Smart Filter field.

You can also use multiple filters to search for data the widgets should display. Enter the filters, search parameters, separated by a comma in the Smart Filter field. You can create, move, rename, and edit the widget properties in a dashboard, based on your requirements.

The available options are:

  • Chart filters
  • Chart style
  • Metric-based filters
  • Comparison metrics
This image shows the different dashboard widgets

You can group information by dates and use the Date Interval to view when a particular bot was active.

The following Date type options are available:

  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month