You can construct URL parameters for the following supported elements: Date, Number, Text Box, and Time.

Supported elements to construct URL parameters

You can call a specific process using its ID and pass parameters through the URL to populate the initial forms based on the form field ID. This population method is also supported for initial forms in the iFrame widget for Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users using the embedded widget.
Note: The URL value will always overwrite the default value of the form fields.
Data format: The following data format is accepted for certain elements:
  • The Text Box, Text Area, and Rich Text Editor elements accept the String type data.
  • The Number element accepts the Double type data.
  • The Date and Time elements accept the RFC 8601 date (local time) type data (for example, 2021-06-10T00:00:00.000).
  • The Radio Button and Dropdown elements accept the String type data.
  • The Check Box element accepts the String type data.
Parameter Mapping: The following parameter mappings differ for certain elements:
  • For the Text Box, Text Area, and Rich Text Editor elements, the Element ID shows the value after the element ID becomes the default element or input value. For example:
    • TextBox1=MyValue
    • TextArea2=MyLoooooooooongValue
    • RichTextEditor3=AnUnformattedString
  • For the Number element, the Element ID shows the value after the element ID becomes the default element or input value. For example: Number2=123.99.
  • For the Date and Time elements, the Element ID shows the value after the element ID becomes the default element or input value. For example:
    • Date1=2021-06-10T00:00:00.000
    • Time0=2021-06-10T23:59:17.000
  • For the Radio Button and Dropdown elements, the Element ID shows the value after the element ID becomes the default element or input value. For example:
    • RadioButtonGroup3=TheDefaultOption
    • Dropdown0=TheDefaultOption
  • For the Check Box element, the Element ID shows the value after the element ID becomes the default element or input value. For example: CheckBoxGroup1_1=TheOption2.

Delimiter: You can use the & symbol as a delimiter between parameters.