The Document Workspace dashboards provide visualizations of learning instance performance and quality metrics as well as validation operations metrics.

Users with access to Document Automation can view and customize the Document Workspace dashboard without additional permissions.

The Document Workspace dashboard contains eight widgets, which contain visualizations of learning instance data. The widgets are customizable:
  • You can reposition a widget by dragging and dropping it into a new location.
  • You can apply filters, such as by specific learning instance or time frame. Adding a dashboard filter
  • You can click a data point in a widget to "drill down" or filter the metrics in that widget. See the following video:

Document Workspace widgets

Dashboard filters

You can use the following dashboard filters to customize the metrics included in the dashboard:
  • Learning Instance Name
    Note: By default, both public and private learning instances are included in the dashboard.
  • Document Type
  • Page Count
  • Created On
Note: When you set a filter, it is applied to the entire dashboard. To apply a filter to a specific widget, open the Widgets menu and select which widgets to apply the filter:

Screenshot of the Document Type filter with the widgets button highlighted

Custom dashboard filters

You can use the following custom filters to build the custom widgets in a Document Workspace dashboard:
  • User Name
  • Status
  • OCR Engine
  • Processing Phase
  • Processing Time
  • Start time
  • End time