Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in IQ Bot and Document Automation for the v.28 release.

Document Automation

What's changed
Download bots have the highest priority in a queue
To optimize system performance, the Control Room prioritizes running the download bot of one process before running the extraction bot for another process. Previously, the system was configured with the extraction bots at equal priority to the download bots, which created a large queue of extracted data waiting to download.
Note: For users with Control Room environments configured prior to v.28: The Control Room admin must edit the auto-document-processor custom role to assign the new Set automation priority to high permission.

Create a custom role for Document Automation

Important: New Community Edition users will have access to Document Automation but not IQ Bot

As of Automation 360 v.27 release and later, only Document Automation will be provisioned to new Community Edition users. New users will not have IQ Bot permissions, however, IQ Bot will be available for existing, registered users.

IQ Bot

If you test an invalid Python script when configuring custom logic, the system displays an error message without any file path. Previously, the error message included the execution file path.
When you upload high-resolution or invalid documents to a custom group, if the document is not processed, it is either moved to the validator folder or the fail folder. You can eventually download the files from the fail or invalid folder.

Previously, the validator or the fail folder did not receive the uploaded files. You had to transition the learning instance from production to staging and back again to move the file to the output folder.

Service Cloud case ID: 01926196

The ability to create or edit a bot for a manual group has been fixed. You can now create a bot with a manual group that has invalid or corrupted documents. You can also move the created bot from staging to production and back again.

Previously, after creating a manual group for a learning instance with an invalid or corrupted document, you were unable to create a bot.

Service Cloud case ID: 01878143

Updates to the interface

Review the updates to the interface made to the interface for Automation 360 v.28 release.

IQ Bot and Document Automation
The new Google Document AI features include an improved validation feedback for new and existing learning instances and supports additional languages.

New Google Document AI features

Improvements to Google Document AI

You can configure your learning instances to convert extracted dates and numbers to a standard format.

New check box to format date and select data type
Standardize the format of extracted numbers and dates