Multi-login user

A multi-login user can log in to multiple sessions of a Control Room at the same time.

Multi Login Sessions

A multi-login token is required to configure a user to run multiple sessions simultaneously. A Control Room user with permission to manage users can designate a user as a multi-login service user. Designating a multi-login user can be achieved through either the UI or API.

The table below provides details of using both the UI and API to designate a user with multi-login capabilities.

Authorize using UI Authorize using API
In the Control Room, go to Administration > Users and select Allow under Allow multiple sessions to enable multi-login.

Authorize Multi Login in the UI

For more information on multiple active UI sessions, see Multiple active user sessions.


If you use a machine without the Bot Agent installed, there might be a delay when opening a window to browse and select files from the desktop. We recommend that you use the machine with the bot agent installed for desktop operations.

Using the create user API
POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v2/usermanagement/users
Request body to allow multiple login token:
There are two ways to generate a multi-login token:
  • Using password/mutipleLogin parameters: During user authentication, setting the multipleLogin parameter to true will generate a multi-login token.
    POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v2/authentication
    Request body to generate multi-login token using password and multipleLogin parameters:
  • API Key: Users can use an API key instead of using password and the multipleLogin parameters to generate a multi-login token via the Authentication API.
    POST http://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v2/authentication
    Request body to generate multi-login token using API Key:
       "apiKey": "IvtAhY0NU7baRLYEeIYUJSKO"
    Note: However, using an API key does not bypass the permission requirement. The user still needs the specific permission ("multipleLoginAllowed":true) granted.