- Updated: 2024/11/05
You can get a comprehensive view of savings and performance metrics across various stages. Key indicators such as idea velocity, benefits realized, forecasted savings, prioritization, alignment, and complexity scores are displayed to offer insights into progress and strategic alignment. This allows you to effectively track performance and make informed decisions.
You can use the dashboard filters at the top right to narrow down the displayed data by the following options:
- Business unit: View savings and metrics specific to selected business units.
- Stage: View data across different stages of opportunities, such as the idea, pipeline, in progress, and deployed.
- Date: Analyze data within a specific time frame for more targeted insights.
You can view the financial information about your program on the dashboard page.
- Savings: Refers to the forecasted financial gains expected from
opportunities. These targets are set before or during the execution of a project.
The four achievement cards at the top of the page show the annualized value of
opportunities in each stage (idea, pipeline, in progress, and deployed).
Clicking any number in these tabs displays the breakdown of opportunities by business unit. Selecting the number next to a business unit shows the opportunity names, which are hyperlinks that lead to the detailed opportunity page. This enables you to easily navigate and explore the individual opportunities in specific business units.
Savings are calculated by the formula given below:
Expected labor benefits:- % of tasks automated * # of personnel * hours per person * times per month * 12 * average pay / hour
- % of tasks automated * # of personnel * (minutes_per_record_c / 60) * records_per_month_c * 12 * average pay / hour
- Benefits realized: Refers to the actual value that has been achieved from automations
linked to the opportunities. This is measured from opportunities that have
progressed to the Deployed stage, thus reflecting the tangible outcomes. Benefits realized is calculated by the formulae given below:
- Expected labor benefits
- (# of personnel * times per month * 12 months/year) * <cumulative successful Task Bot executions>
- (# of personnel * records per month * 12 months/year) * <cumulative successful executions/transactions>
- Additional expected benefits
- Sum of additional benefits entries.
- Overall score
- Factor of {complexity, aligment, targets}
Idea velocity
Refers to the speed and efficiency with which ideas are generated, that is, it indicates the number of ideas submitted to the CoE Manager. You can track idea velocity over various time frames; weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly or for a specific period by adjusting the date filter. Similarly, business unit-specific performance can be reviewed by applying relevant filters at the top.
This metric provides insights into the influx of new ideas over a selected period. It also helps in budgeting for automation by aligning with yearly forecasts and expected outcomes.
Benefits realized
Refers to the measurable value generated from strategic initiatives after successful implementation. You can track these benefits in real time, allowing for continuous monitoring of their contribution to the overall success of the program.
You can analyze the benefits realized over various time frames; weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly or for a specific period by adjusting the date filter. Additionally, performance can be segmented by business unit through applying relevant filters, providing a focused view of each unit's impact on the program.
Forecasted savings
Refers to the projected financial benefits that the organization expects to gain from automation projects. These estimates are typically calculated during the early stages of idea development and provide a forecast of efficiencies or cost reductions expected over time.
The forecasted savings are displayed in either currency or hours, depending on the program configuration. You can view the forecasted savings for a particular business unit by using the filter on the top. This metric helps you plan and prioritize projects by providing a clear estimate of the potential future financial impact. It serves as a valuable tool for decision-making and resource allocation.
Forecasted savings is calculated as given below:
- Total expected benefits: Expected labor benefits + Additional expected benefits
- <Sum of total expected benefits in stage Idea> * idea weight + <sum of total expected benefits in stage Pipeline> * pipeline weight + <sum of total expected benefits in stage In-Progress> * In-Progress weight + <sum of total expected benefits in stage Deployed> * Deployed weight
Prioritization score
Refers to the metric used to evaluate and rank opportunities based on their expected benefits, costs, complexity, and alignment with strategic goals. As opportunities advance through different stages, the score is adjusted to reflect updated assessments. You can view the score for a particular business unit by using the filter on the top.
This score emphasizes high-priority opportunities by identifying those likely to provide the most significant impact. It enables you to prioritize opportunities that are strategically aligned, have the least complexity, and are expected to generate the highest estimated annual benefit.
Alignment score
Evaluates how well opportunities align with an organization’s strategic goals by rating them based on customizable alignment criteria. This score is determined through a set of questions designed to assess various aspects of alignment, such as the contribution of an opportunity to overall business objectives. You can filter the score by business unit using the filter at the top for a more focused view.
The score helps prioritize initiatives that closely align with strategic objectives, ensuring that resources are allocated to the most impactful efforts. As these opportunities progress, the alignment score can be updated, making it a dynamic metric for continuous evaluation.
The alignment score (% alignment) is calculated as given below:
Strategic aligment1 * score1 * weight1 + strategic aligment2 * score2 * weight2 + strategic aligment3 * score3 * weight3 + strategic aligment4 * score4 * seight4 + strategic aligment5 * score5 * weight5
Complexity score
It is determined through a series of customizable questions that assess factors such as the number of stakeholders, required resources, and technical challenges. Each factor is rated on a scale from low to very high, resulting in an overall complexity score. You can filter this score by business unit for a more detailed view.
This metric is crucial for prioritizing projects, as more complex initiatives may require additional time and resources, impacting decisions about which projects to prioritize. As a standard practice, low complexity opportunities are assigned to citizen developers and high complexity opportunities to professional developers. This score will aid in planning not only resources but the appropriate ones for successfully delivering automation projects.
Administrators can adjust the weighting of complexity questions to align with the organization’s priorities and calculate the score accordingly. Combined with metrics like strategic alignment and estimated benefits, the complexity score helps visualize and compare initiatives during the planning process.
The complexity score (% complexity) is calculated as given below:
5 - (complexity1 * score1 * weight1 + complexity2 * score2 * weight2 + complexity3 * score3 * weight3 + complexity4 * score4 * weight4 + complexity5 * score5 * weight5) / 20
- Expected labor benefit = 80% of tasks automated * 5 persons * 0.5 hours per person * 350 times per month * 27 average pay / hour * 12 months / year = 226,800
- Additional expected benefit = 15,000
- Total expected benefit = 226,800 + 15,000 = 241,800
- Benefit realized to date = (241,800 / (5 persons * 350 times per month * 12 months / year)) * 1575 cumulative successful task bot executions = 18135
- Forecasted savings = 100 K * 0% + 100 K * 25% + 100 K * 50% + 100 K * 100% = 175 K