Bot Agent log files

Various types of information about the Bot Agent are captured in different log files. You can analyze these log files when the Bot Agent or a bot encounters an error and identify the root cause for that error.


The Bot Agent log files enable you to perform these actions:
  • Determine whether a bot ran successfully
  • Identify issues that resulted in a bot failure
  • Determine if the device is properly connected with the Control Room

Log file locations

The Bot Agent log files are available at C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\BotRunner\Logs on your device. The following files are available at this location:
Captures information about the execution of a bot such as the operations performed, events triggered, and errors encountered by the bot.
The filename now includes the name of the user running the bot on the Bot Runner. For a multi-user session machine, there will be a bot launcher log per user.
Enables communication between Control Room and the registered Bot Runner device.
For example, Control Room uses the Node_Manager to retrieve the status of a specific device, receive bot deployment messages, forward the status of the bot executions and so on.

Log file configuration

To configure the different types of log files that can be collected from the devices connected to the Control Room, see Configure log collection.