Build a Go be Great bot

Build a basic bot using a Message Box action and a variable. Follow these steps to create your first bot that prints the message, Go be great!, the Automation Anywhere version of Hello World!


To build a bot you must already have done the following:


If you have already completed the steps in Create your first bot, skip to Step 6.

  1. Create a new bot:
    1. On the left panel, click Automation.
    2. Click + Create > Task Bot.
    3. In the Create Task Bot window, enter the bot name.
    4. Accept the default folder location: \Bots\
      To change the default bot storage location, click Choose and follow the prompts.
    5. Click Create and edit.
  2. Insert a Message box action.
    1. Click Actions.
    2. Search for the Message Box package.
      Click in the Actions search box and enter message. Click the arrow to expand the Message Box options.
    3. Double-click or drag the Message box action to the Bot editor (open space to the right).
  3. In the dialog box on the right, specify the conditions for the Message box action.
    1. In the Enter the message box window title field, enter My first bot!.
    2. In the Enter the message to display field, enter Go be great!.
    3. Accept the defaults in the Scrollbar after lines field and Close message box after check box.
  4. Click Save.
    Your bot is now ready to run.
    You can view the time spent to create a bot by navigating to Automation > Home > My metrics. The Active Task Bots table displays the time taken to create every bot. When a bot is edited, the table shows the total time spent on the bot.
    For example, if you spend 10 minutes on creating and saving a bot, the Active Task Bots table displays the time spent as 10 minutes. If you spend 5 more minutes on editing the same bot, the Active Task Bots table displays the total time spent as 15 minutes.
    Similarly, the Average time spent to create a Task Bot field on the My Metrics page displays the average time spent across all users on all bots.
    For example, if user 1 spends 120 minutes on Bot A, user 2 spends 2 minutes on Bot B, and user 3 spends 4 minutes on Bot C, the average time is calculated as (120+2+4)/3 = 42 minutes.
  5. Test your bot.
    Click Run at the top right.
    The bot displays a Message box with the text Go be great!.

In the following steps, you configure a variable and insert it in the Message box.

  1. Create a variable.
    1. Click Variables from the accordion menu on the left panel.
    2. Click Create variable (the + sign).
    3. Enter vHelloWorld in the name field.
    4. Select the Use as output option.
    5. Enter Say Go be Great! with a variable in the Default value field.
    6. Click Create.
  2. Assign the vHelloWorld variable to the Enter the message to display field.
    1. Click the Message box action in the Bot editor.
    2. In the dialog box, delete the text from the Enter the message to display field.
    3. Either press the F2 key or click the Insert variable icon.
      The Insert variable icon is located on the right-side of the text field.
    4. Select vHelloWorld from the drop-down list.
    5. Click Yes, insert.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Run.
    The bot displays a Message box with the text Say Go be Great! with a variable.

Next steps

After you successfully run your bot, go to Build a basic bot that uses a desktop application.