Learn how to manage your redaction configurations from the Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) UI and export logs, instead of running commands on the Command Line Interface (CLI).


This is no longer valid from version 0.31 Release Features - Version: 3.3.17.

To update your redaction settings from the UI, perform the following steps:


  1. Log in to your PEG klite URL platform as an administrator: https://klite-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain>.
  2. In the upper right-corner, navigate to Admin > PEG configuration.
  3. In General Settings, select Redaction List.
  4. In the Pass List section, select from the following options:
    Upload new list document Click to upload a new list of words. The words on this list are not redacted and are sent to the platform. Words are on this list typically do not contain sensitive, private information (such as credit cards numbers, phone numbers, names, and so on).
    Note: Any word that is not on the pass list is redacted.
    1. Click to edit the existing pass list. The list is saved in the Downloads folder.
    2. Open the file, add your changes, and save the file.
    3. Click Upload new list document to upload the document.
    A pop-up message appears notifying you that the pass list is updated successfully.

    Each line can only contain one word. A word can contain letters, numbers, and symbols, but no spaces. For words with numbers and symbols, those words will only be used for comparison if the Cleaning field is set to false. The words are case-insensitive. For more details about cleaning, see step 11.

    Text field Enter the words in the text field to update the existing pass list followed by the Enter key. For example, to update the pass list to include a category (such as Support), enter Support in the text box followed by the Enter key.
  5. Click UPDATE to save your changes for the pass list in the text field.
  6. Click CLEAR ALL to clear your changes in the text field and start over.
  7. In the Block List section, select from the following options:
    Upload new list document Click to upload a new list of words. The words are on this list are redacted and not sent to the platform.
    1. Click to edit the existing block list. The list is saved in the Downloads folder.
    2. Open the file, add your changes, and save the file.
    3. Click Upload new list document to upload the document.
    A pop-up message appears notifying you that the block list is updated successfully.

    Each line can only contain one word. A word can contain letters, numbers, and symbols, but no spaces. For words with numbers and symbols, those words will only be used for comparison if the Cleaning field is set to false. The words are case-insensitive. For more details about cleaning, see step 11.

    Text field Enter the words in the text field to update the existing block list followed by the Enter key.
  8. Click UPDATE to save your changes for the block list in the text field.
  9. Click CLEAR ALL to clear your changes in the text field and start over.
  10. In the Redaction Word Filter Setting section for Fuzzy Matching, select true to allow Optical Character Recognition (OCR) some level of variation (fuzzy matching) to consider a word a match. By default, Fuzzy Matching is set to true and PEG does not require an exact match when comparing a word with a word on the pass for the block list. Select false to disable fuzzy matching.
    Note: When reviewing the redaction levels, you might find some sensitive text (that is not on the allow list) displaying unexpectedly in the applications screenshots. In that case, select false to disable fuzzy matching to provide a preferable result.

    For example, if OCR reads a word as kello. There is a chance that OCR might be right or wrong in how it reads the word kello. Kello is not in the pass or block list. Kello might be considered a close enough match to hello (with the idea that kello was just OCR misreading hello). So, if the word hello is in the pass list, then the word kello would also be allowed and not redacted.

  11. In the Cleaning field, click the drop-down to select true to remove all non-alphabetic (anything not a letter in the alphabet) from a detected word before comparing it to the words in the dictionaries. Select false to allow numbers for cleaning. By default, cleaning is set to true.
    Note: Cleaning defines whether non-alphabetic characters should be ignored when comparing a word with the dictionaries.

    For example, there are category types (PURCH2A, PURCH2B, and PURCH2C) that are a mix of numbers and letters that appear in your application screens that should not be redacted. To ensure that PURCH2A, PURCH2B, and PURCH2C are not redacted, add the words to the allow list and disable cleaning. PEG will not remove the numbers from these words when comparing with the words on the allow list. Another example is if you have an account ID, such as SA31LE. If cleaning is set to true, then PEG removes the number 31 from SA31LE and compares the word, SALE with the words in the allow list. If SALE is in the allow list, then it is not redacted. However, if you set cleaning to false, cleaning compares SA31LE with the words on the allow list. Since SA31LE is not in the allow list, SA31LE is redacted.

  12. Click UPDATE to save your changes.
    A pop-up message appears notifying you that your changes are successfully deployed.
  13. Click one of the following buttons to export the logs from the UI:
    • Export Logs

      The logs begin generating. After the logs have generated, click Download Logs to download the logs.zip. The log files contain information about the system (including logs for the last 24 hours).

    • Export PEG metrics

      After the metrics are generated, click Download PEG Metrics to download the pegMetrics.zip. The file contains operational and performance metrics about the system.