Updating to v.28 release
- Updated: 2023/04/12
Review requirements and support information about updating your Control Room and Bot Agent for the v.28 release.
Bot Agent updates
Note: This release
includes an optional
Bot Agent update. You can continue to run your existing bots without updating the Bot Agent.
However, if you want to use the new features in Automation 360
v.28, you must update the Bot Agent available with this
For more information on updating to this release, see these
Certified Control Room builds for direct update
You can update to the latest version of Automation 360 from the previous three releases (that is, from n−3 releases, where n refers to the latest release).
The following previous releases are certified for update to Automation 360 v.28:
- v.27 (Build 16685, 16667)
- v.26 (Build 15450, 15459, 15439, 15436)
- v.25 (Build 15112, 15118, 15097)
If you are on one of these previous releases, for information about updating, see
Update Automation 360 to latest version. If you are not on an n−3 release, update Automation 360 to one of
the n−3 releases before updating to Automation 360 v.28.
Important: Before you update to Automation 360 v.28 On-Premises from any of the earlier versions, review
the following article: Automation 360 On-Premise Edition | A360.28 – Upgrade Considerations (A-People login required). This article is applicable
only to On-Premises customers who started using
Automation 360 from v.15 or previous versions. To
successfully update to Automation 360 v.28, you must perform the
pre-upgrade steps in the KB article.