Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Workspace for the v.30 release.

Note: Information about package updates (such as what's new, changed, fixes, and limitations) is available on package-specific pages. To access these pages, navigate to Package updates overview > <package-name> updates.

For a consolidated list of packages updated in this release, see Packages updated in v.30.

What's new

APIs and integrations
Manage activity API

Use the new /v3/activity/manage API to stop, pause, or resume an execution by specifying the execution ID.

Bot Execution Orchestrator API V3

What's changed


This fix applies to bots and files created in Build 19688. For your existing bots (created in previous builds), perform the workaround provided in Workaround for checkout and export issue.

When a bot or any of its parent directories share the same name, you can now perform the check-in, check-out, bulk check-in, bulk check-out, import, and export operations without any encountering errors.

Previously, some of these operations resulted in errors.

Service Cloud case ID: 02085658, 02086676, 02087581, 02087873, 02087885, 02088908, 02087706

In Build 19596 and later, the scheduler functionality is now optimized to include improved query performance for identifying the next set of schedules and minimizing database deadlocks when the database restarts or the Control Room is updated.

Previously, due to these database deadlocks, the schedules misfired, and the schedule activity page failed to load.

Service Cloud case ID: 01922240, 1972854, 01947419, 01947801, 01948163, 01950059, 01955783, 01970533, 01998902, 01998908, 01998922, 01998932

When you check out a bot with a dependent bot in another folder and you do not have access to that dependent bot folder, an appropriate error message is now displayed for the check-out failure.

Previously, bot check out was not completed, and no success or failure messaged was displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 02090103

In a window variable, when you select a browser window with its title as case-insensitive, add the same variable to the watched variables list in the Debugger, and invoke the debugger, the Case sensitive option for the browser title remains deselected.

Previously, when the debugger was invoked, the Case sensitive option was selected by default.

An expression or property related to a specific type of variable in an action is now displayed in the drop-down list. Previously, the last property or expression in the list was hidden.

When you use two separate loop or If actions, one with a VBScript condition and the other with a JavaScript condition, respectively, and run the bot, the bot now runs successfully.

Service Cloud case ID: 01954473

When you update your Control Room version to Automation 360 v.30 with Bot Agent at v.28 build 21.240.20182, the actions now successfully recognize the window titles even if capital letters were used in window variables with Case sensitive option disabled.

Service Cloud case ID: 01994346

A bot no longer encounters an error when you view Dictionary type variables in debug mode.

Service Cloud case ID: 01994177, 01986284, 01986574

Schedules now run correctly during the Daylight Saving Time (DST) time zone.

Previously, weekly schedules ran every minute, resulting in multiple triggers during DST, and in turn impacted the actual schedules.

Service Cloud case ID: 01961418, 1961463, 1961447, 1961464, 1961221, 1961111, 01961464, 01961471, 01961517, 01961418, 01961119, 01961236, 01963106, 01961071

When the number of schedules listed on the Scheduled activity page is less (for example, 5 or 6 schedules), the Scheduled tab no longer shows a query timeout error message.

Previously, the Scheduled tab displayed the following error message: An unexpected problem occurred.

When you disable a package, the Update -Package Version page (Administration > Bot Update > Update Bots > Package version) no longer shows an error message. Additionally, you can check out the process and process document in private mode.

Previously, when you disabled a package, the Update -Package Version page showed an error message during check out.

The issue regarding missing packages in the Control Room is now fixed. For more information, see A360 | Packages missing from the Control Room

Service Cloud case ID: 01992801

When you configure auto-login settings and select the Reuse an existing session, if available option, the bot is now deployed through an existing session, and the connected device is no longer logged off.
You will see correct start and end timestamps for bot failures on the Historical activity page.

Previously, the timestamps were displayed incorrectly in such scenarios.

Service Cloud case ID: 01925919

You will no longer view the Unlock locked bots and Set production version of bots permissions in your Control Room instances that are using the Single sign-on (SSO) or Active Directory authentication.

Previously, you were able to view these permissions in such Control Room instances.

Service Cloud case ID: 01952796

When your server repository path (be it on file system or network drive) is unreachable, the version history remains intact and is no longer deleted.

Previously, if the repository path was unreachable, the version history was force deleted.

Service Cloud case ID: 01963136, 01991452, 01992999, 01996226

You can now import bots and packages from the Bot Store with the Bot StoreBot Store import feature successfully.

Previously, the import failed and remained in the In progress status in the Bot Store downloads page.

Service Cloud case ID: 02001442, 02002465, 02000881

For schedules without a device pool, when one or more active run-as user devices are unavailable or disconnected, the bot deployment fails for all the run-as users in the schedule. In such a scenario, you will only see a detailed error message.

Previously, you were seeing two error messages: generic and detailed.

When you add a Work Item to the WLM queue which is already in a running state, the Work Item is processed immediately.

Previously, the Work Item took longer time (10-15 minutes) to be processed.

Service Cloud case ID: 02001406, 02001459

If you have SSO enabled and when you sign out of the Control Room, you will no longer see a message about duplicate sign in.

Previously, a message was displayed that a duplicate sign in was detected.

Service Cloud case ID: 01954039

The license expiry timestamp shows proper translations for Japanese users.

Previously, the timestamp displayed improper translations.

Service Cloud case ID: 01963189, 02076565

When you create a Workload management (WLM) automation, the corresponding audit log displays the correct Started On timestamp.

Previously, Unix timestamp was displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01964914

The bots now run successfully and are no longer queued when they are deployed on the default device of an unattended Bot Runner user.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01985724, 01985720, 01985778, 01994082, 01994111, 01994155

The Current action status on the In progress activity page displays the correct status after updating to the latest release.

Previously, the Current action status displayed incorrect information.

Service Cloud case ID: 01996522

You can now create and assign a code analysis policy even it does not contain any rules within it.

Previously, policy creation would fail with an error.

When you schedule multiple bots for deployment, bot deploys successfully without any issue.

Previously, sometimes bot deployment failed with null pointer exception while retrieving the login settings of the user.

Service Cloud case ID: 01975690, 01989463

You can now successfully connect to Oracle Database with SSL certificate in the Linux environment.

Previously, connection to Oracle Database with SSL certificate would fail with an error.

You will now be able to add locker managers and participants when creating a locker.

Previously, you were unable to add locker managers and participants when creating a locker.

Service Cloud case ID: 02004160

For Automation 360 On-Premises, if there are many (more than 500) bots deployed in one of the device when there are multiple devices connected to a Control Room, bot deployments across other devices are no longer blocked. This issue was resolved for Automation 360 Cloud deployments in v.28 release.

Service Cloud case ID: 01791784, 01950118, 01904686, 01795862, 01945357, 01941048


In previous Automation 360v.30 builds (earlier than Build 19688), if your bots or any of its parent directories share the same name, you might encounter an error when you perform check-in, check-out, bulk check-in, bulk check-out, import, or export operations.
  1. Check out the earlier version of the bot.

    For example, consider the Claims processing bot that has 3 versions. If you encountered error in version 3 of the bot, check out version 2.

  2. Edit the bot for your required changes.
  3. Check in the bot.

This workaround is for bots created in Automation 360v.30 previous builds. This issue is fixed for bots created in Build 19688 (see Fix for a check out and export issue).

When you rename a bot in the Bot editor and then start debugging, the updated bot name might not display in the header bar.

Workaround: Close the Bot editor and then open it again.

When a user with view and manage settings permissions edits the remote Git repository integration settings, an insufficient privileges error is displayed. However, the user can still edit the remote Git integration settings.

When you use the bulk package update feature to update the package version in bots, you might see errors in some actions used in the bot. However, the bot executes successfully even with these errors when deployed from Control Room or as an attended or unattended Bot Runner.

Workaround: Revert back the package version for the bots which show errors and update the package manually.

Service Cloud case ID: 01984578, 01991720, 01983265, 01994192, 02048170, 01990994, 01992484

The total notification count is displayed incorrectly in the alert summary report, that is the total notification count does not match the sum of attention needed and information notification counts.
The alert summary report displays incorrect start and end date and time.
In an On-Premises Windows environment, when you install the Control Room with any database with SSL certificate, the installation fails with an error if the keytool finds duplicate alias in the cacerts file.
  1. List all the aliases using the keytool.
  2. Find the duplicate aliases.
  3. Delete the duplicate aliases using keytool command.
  4. Install the Control Room.
If you attempt to check out a bot for the second time that includes an additional file such as an image file that is added after the initial check-in, the check-out operation fails. This occurs because correct path is not parsed during check out.
When you use the Run bot with queue option to deploy workitems, some of the workitems are intermittently deployed on the same Bot Runner machine.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02091091, 02089812, 02095841, 02096125, 02103340, 02103959

Limitations from previous releases
While running a bot in debug mode, the bot will fail if the variable size is greater than 3 MB. An error message appears with the information that a variable has exceeded the 3 MB limit.

Updates to the interface

See the following video for the updates in the interface for Automation 360 v.30 release:

The Purge older than 15 months option is introduced to automatically delete audit log entries that are older than 15 months.

Automatically purge audit log entries on On-Premises deployments

The API Key details field displays the Expiration information to indicate the date and time when the API key expires. Use this information to renew the API key so that you can run your automation seamlessly.

API key expiry information to manage your automations seamlessly

The FTP/SFTP Session name field has been renamed to Create FTP/SFTP session.

New capabilities added to FTP/SFTP package

Enable the Legacy Loop behavior option from the Administration > Settings to iterate the loop based on the specified value.

Enable legacy loop behavior action

Create an OAuth connection and store it in the Control Room. You can use this OAuth connection for the Apigee, Genesys, Rest Web Services, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and SharePoint packages.

Packages updated in v.30

Code analysis visibility enhancements in the Bot editor.

Code analysis visibility enhancements