As an Administrator, you can create a custom role to generate an API key and assign that custom role to users. By default, the Generate API-Key parameter is not enabled for any of the System-created roles.

To create and assign a custom role to generate an API key:


  1. Log in as an Administrator to the Automation 360 Control Room.
  2. Navigate to: Administration > Roles.
  3. Click Create role. For more information, see Create a role.
  4. Scroll down to the API section.
  5. Select Generate API-Key.
    Generate API-Key
  6. Enter a unique name in the Role name field.
  7. Click Create role.
  8. Navigate to: Administration > Users, and assign the custom role you just created to a non-Administration user.
  9. Log in as the user you assigned the Generate API-Key role to.
  10. Navigate to the username profile at the bottom left of the page and select username > My settings.
  11. Click Generate API-Key at the top right of the page.
    Image displaying the API key details
  12. Copy the generated API-Key to your clipboard.

    The API expiration field displays the date and time when the API key expires. Use this information to renew the API key so that you can run your automation seamlessly.

You can configure the validity of the API-key by setting the API-Key Duration. To set the API-Key duration,
  • Navigate to: Administration > Setting > Security Configuration in your Control Room.
  • Click Edit.
    API Key Validity
  • Set the API-Key validity.
Note: You can set API-Key validity to a minimum of 1 minute or a maximum of 9999 days.

Next steps

Use the API-Key to log in to a Control Room using SSO, or use the API-Key to log in as a user without a password.