Use the Pipeline Accelerator package to configure integration between CoE Manager and third-party enterprise applications. This allows bi-directional data sync between CoE Manager and the third-party applications.

Using this package, you can easily connect and work with GraphQL APIs. The Pipeline Accelerator package contains easy-to-use set of automation commands that can support complex use cases for CoE Manager integration.


  • Enable integration between CoE Manager and third-party applications to enable seamless data sharing.
  • Upload execution data to a process work item. It allows upload of actual as well as historical data to calculate the savings achieved.
  • Easily manage opportunities and perform various tasks.
    • Create new opportunities (ideas) from various sources in a specified business unit of CoE Manager.
    • Lists all the opportunities for the specified business unit of CoE Manager.
    • Retrieve all details for a specified opportunity from CoE Manager.
    • Update the details of an opportunity.
  • Create and manage business unit.
  • Update the key performance indicator values at program, business unit, and opportunity level.
  • Import opportunity data into CoE Manager in a more readable format such as customized Excel workbook.

Supported data types

The values in Pipeline Accelerator package must be of the following data types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Dictionary
  • Datetime

Using Pipleline Accelerator package

Use the actions in the Pipeline Accelerator package in the following order:

  1. Start the Pipeline Accelerator session using the Start Pipeline Accelerator Session action. Use this session name for all corresponding actions.
  2. Use the different actions available in the Pipeline Accelerator package to automate opportunity-related tasks.
  3. End the session using the End Session action to complete a task.

Actions in Pipeline Accelerator package

The Pipeline Accelerator package includes the following actions:

Action Description
End Session Closes a CoE Manager session with Shibumi server.
Get Metrics Data Retrieves the metric data for the specified metric.
Get opportunities Lists all the opportunities for the specified business unit from CoE Manager and saves the output to a variable.
Get opportunity details Retrieves all details for the specified opportunity from CoE Manager and saves the output to a variable.
Get question labels Retrieves all the objective questions for an enterprise in CoE Manager and saves the output to a variable.
Get workstreams Retrieves a list of business units for the specified enterprise on CoE Manager and saves the output to a variable.
New opportunity Creates an opportunity in the specified enterprise and business unit in CoE Manager.
New workstream Creates a new business unit in CoE Manager.
Start Pipeline Accelerator Session Creates a session to enable connection and interaction with Shibumi server.
Update instance attribute Updates the instance details in CoE Manager.
Update opportunity Updates the details of an opportunity based on the opportunity ID in CoE Manager.
Update process metrics Updates the existing process metrics in CoE Manager based on the Control Room metrics.