The Control Room administrator generates an email process for the user to reset their password.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

The change password email process.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Users.
  2. Select user from the list.
  3. Click the Edit icon. (edit-icon)
  4. Select Send reset password email.
    Note: If there is no email server configured, follow these steps to reset the password for a user:
    1. Open the URL for the Control Room in your browser.
    2. Enter the user name, click Forgot Password, and follow the prompts to reset or change the password.
    3. Enter the user name, click the Forgot Password button, and follow the prompts to reset or change the password.
    Note: The user registration link provided in the user registration email is set to expire after 24 hours to enhance the security of the registration process. See, Notifications. This registration link is sent only if the user has opted to receive notifications by setting the configuration in the Control Room. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Notification settings to set this configuration.
    The selected user receives an email with the necessary instructions to reset the password.