Learn how to change the location of the logs and the Process Discovery Sensor configuration storage folder to a folder that is writable to all users who have the Process Discovery Sensor running on their machine.


  1. Copy the NeoRemoteConfig.json file to the folder where you want to store it.
    The NeoRemoteConfig.json file is one of the Process Discovery Sensor files you should see in your portable installer folder. The folder you copy it to must be the same writable folder where you want to store the logs.
  2. Set the log and config file location by specifying the absolute path to the new folder in the Path.config file. In the folder with the Neo2.exe, there should be a Path.config file.
    For example, your Path.config file might contain: z:\user_shared_storage\neo2_logs_and_config.

    You can assign it to an absolute path or can use one special reserved variable {MyDocuments}.

    If you use the {MyDocuments} variable in the Path.config file, the logs will be stored in a folder named Neo2 in the user’s Documents folder.
    Note: The Process Discovery Sensor expects to see the NeoRemoteConfig.json in that folder.