Scale your automation by allowing Automation 360 to automatically select the Bot Runner users for specific tasks.

You can enable Automation 360 to automatically select the Bot Runner users for specific tasks:
  • Scale automations easily
  • Run bots concurrently
  • Use resources efficiently

You can optimize Bot Runner users by selecting how many Bot Runners you want to use to run tasks concurrently. The system automatically selects the number of Bot Runner users that are available for the tasks. As a result, when you run or schedule an automation, the available run-as users are automatically selected from the specified list.

Let us consider the following example:
  • You have three bots: Bot 1, Bot 2, and Bot 3.
  • You have two Bot Runner licenses: bruser 1 and bruser 2.
You can use any of the Bot Runner users to run the three bots by performing the following procedure:
  1. Create schedules to run these bots.
  2. Select these bots to run.
  3. Select both Bot Runner users.
  4. Specify Custom number of bot runners to use as 1 so that one of the Bot Runners is used to run these bots.
Automatically pick available Bot Runner users

See the following video on how Automation 360 automatically selects the Bot Runner users for specific tasks:

To customize Bot Runners, see Schedule an automation.