The Genesys package offers a palette of actions to detail and access data for grouping records.

Group palette for Genesys

Groups organize people with similar traits. For example, users that share skills, locations, or other information maintained in Genesys Cloud can be grouped for organizational functions.

Groups can be work-related or social to assist in project and priorities. Examples of groups include the following:
  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): A group of SMEs can let others in the organization know the most current information.
  • Projects: Groups related to projects streamline information to the team and expedite updates and planning.
  • Locations: Groups can simplify communication for geographical updates and events.
The Genesys package includes the following group actions:
Action Description
Bulk-add members into group Add multiple members into a group. Bulk-add members into group action
Delete member Delete a member from a group. Delete member action in Genesys
List groups View all groups. List groups action
List members List all the members in a specific group. List members (Group) action