A learning instance is a structure that holds information such as document type, language, and the fields to be extracted. After creating Standard Forms, you must create learning instance to extract data from the documents.


  • Ensure your Standard Forms configuration is complete.
  • Ensure your Control Room has the Document Automation Standard Forms (Number of pages) product license


  1. From the Control Room home page, navigate to AI > Document Automation > Create Learning Instance.
    Create Learning Instance appears at the top right corner
    The Create Learning Instance window opens in a new tab.
  2. Add a name for the new learning instance to be created.
  3. From the Document Type drop-down menu, select Standard Forms.
    Standard Forms as Document Type
    Note: The provider name is selected as Microsoft Form Recognizer by default.
  4. For model selection, click Browse and search for a model using name or description filter.
  5. Select your model and click Next.
  6. To proceed further, you must select atleast one field:
    • Table
    • Forms

    Choose from either Form fields or Table fields
    • For neural models, table fields are not updated automatically and you must add the table fields manually using the format {table_name}: {field_name}.
    • For neural models, Standard Forms support multiple tables and the tables are displayed as tablename: field name under Tables tab.
  7. Some other field attributes are as follows:
    Field name Enter a field name that begins with an alphabetical character (A-Z or a-z).

    In standard fields, the field name is hardcoded and cannot be changed.

    Field label Enter a user-friendly name to help validators.

    For example, you can rename Organization tax number to a localized name, such as VAT number.

    The field label does not affect extraction.

    Confidence Set a threshold to reduce potential false positives.

    At the time of processing, the Document Automation engine assigns a score to each field in a document to indicate the certainty that the data was correctly extracted. If the document contains fields with a score that is lower than the confidence threshold, the document is sent to the validation queue.

    If you enter a high confidence threshold, more documents will be sent to the validation queue. If you enter a low confidence threshold, fewer documents will be sent to the validation queue.

    Supports values from zero to 100.

    Data type Choose from Address*, Text, Number, and Date.

    If the data in the field does not match the data type, the document is sent to the validation queue.

    Document Automation supports variations of the date format.
    Note: If you are configuring a learning instance with a user-defined document type, the form fields include the address data type, which extracts the entire structure of an address.
    Required Select one of the following:
    • Required: Field cannot be empty.
    • Optional: Field can be empty or not exist in the document.
    Validation rules Depending on data type, create rules using patterns, formulas, lists, and statements such as starts or ends with.

    Starts With and Ends With | Pattern | Lists | Formulas

  8. Click Create.
When a new learning instance is created, the Control Room creates a folder with the same name as the learning instance in the Automation > Document Workspace folder. The folder contains two bots (extraction and download), a process, and a form.Example screenshot of learning instance assets
  • Process: Manages the process using if/else scenarios through which Document Automation extracts data from uploaded documents, assigns documents to users for validation, and downloads the extracted data. To learn more, see Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users process in Document Automation
  • Extraction bot: Extracts data from defined fields in the uploaded documents.
  • Download bot: Downloads the extracted data to a specific folder on the device or shared network.
  • Form: Defines the input parameters that are sent to the process. Input parameters include the learning instance name, uploaded file, and output file path.

Next steps

Upload documents to the learning instance, fix validation errors, and verify the extracted data: Process documents in Document Automation