You can use the Dropdown Multi-Select element to add a dropdown menu in your form for multiple selection. This enables users to select values from a list.


  1. Drag the Dropdown Multi-Select element to your form.
    The properties view will appear to allow for you to configure your element.
  2. Specify the name of the label in the Element label field. For example, enter: Expense Categories:
    By default this is named to Multi select dropdown.
  3. Optional: Specify the hint in the Hint below field.
    The maximum limit is 30 characters.
  4. Optional: Specify the hint in the Tool tip.
    The maximum limit is 200 characters.
  5. Specify a list of items that you want to include for the dropdown menu in the Add dropdown content section.
    You can enter as many items as you need but each item must be separated with a comma. Duplicates and spaces will be automatically deleted in the dropdown list. For example, enter: Entertainment, Lodging, Meals, Office Supplies and the multi-select dropdown displays in the form as:
    Multi-select dropdown list example
    Note: When using the Dropdown Multi-Select element to add a dropdown menu in your form, if a Set Focus action is triggered from rules, then you must press the space bar to execute the Set Focus action on the Multi-select dropdown element.
    Click Clear all to remove all items from the Add dropdown content section.
  6. Select any of the following in the Advanced behavior section.
    • Make field required
    • Make field uneditable
    • Select default list item
  7. Click Save to save your configuration.
  8. Optional: Click Reset to clear all fields.
  9. Optional: Click Delete to remove this element from the form.