Automation 360 v.25 Release Notes

Release date: 28 June 2022

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in the Automation 360 v.25 release.

  • Control Room: Cloud Build 14304 (replaces Build 14298) and On-Premises Build 15112 (replaces Build 15097)
  • IQ Bot: Cloud Build 14304 (replaces Build 14298) and On-Premises Build 15112 (replaces Build 15097)
Important: Manifest V3 based extensions - Google will deprecate Manifest V2 based extensions for Google Chrome by January 2024. . To know about Microsoft Edge Manifest V2 based extensions timelines, see Overview and timelines for migrating to Manifest V3. The deprecation might impact your existing automation that use current Manifest V2 based extensions in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. Use the Automation 360 v.25 Build 15118 and Bot Agent version 21.211 for the latest Manifest V3 based extensions updates to support features that use Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. This build is available for download in the link provided in the following article: Everything about the Chrome/Edge Manifest V2 Deprecation. See Chrome and Edge Manifest V3 extensions and Everything about the Chrome/Edge Manifest V2 Deprecation.

If you want to continue using the earlier builds of Automation 360 v.25 (Build 15112 or 15097) but want to upgrade to Manifest V3, you can manually upgrade to Manifest V3. See Manifest extension manual upgrade.

Important: We have updated the Cloud Build 14304 and On-Premises Build 15112 to include fixes for the following issues. Fixes specific to On-Premises or Cloud builds are indicated.
  • When you created or deleted new users, multiple, duplicate audit log entries were generated for a single user (Service Cloud case ID: 01836296).
  • When you logged in to the Control Room with bot export permissions, when you exported a task, no corresponding entry was immediately visible in historical activity (Service Cloud case ID: 01834139, 01839933, 01841993, 01839817, 01834108, 01846407, 01845706, 01843349, 01846220, 01846819, 01845547, 01847028, 01847024, 01847094, 01847114, 01847115, 01846998, 01847840, 01846757, 01848123,01846944, 01848104, 01848294, 01848905, 01846596, 01849748).
  • When you updated to Automation 360 v.25 and attempted to use the previous settings with instance names, the previous settings were not allowing an update (Service Cloud case ID: 01838276, 01835897).
  • (On-Premises only) When you deployed a task On-Premises without direct Internet access, the compilation slowed down (Service Cloud case ID: 01841448, 1839118, 1844817, 01846153, 01846332, 01839254).
  • When the wait for condition package was used with any command package, the set timeout value for the wait was not met (Service Cloud case ID: 01842547, 01846156, 01847338, 01846324, 1842368, 01847054, 01848080, 01848789, 01848151, 01848963, 01847054, 01847121, 01848236, 01848260, 01849016, 01848248, 01848572, 01847828, 01847055, 01848826, 01848191, 01848944, 01851181, 01849792, 01852057, 01846152).
  • When you update from any build to Automation 360 v.25, if changes were made to the If/Else logic in nest and saved, a new Go to End point element was added, which created a process error (Service Cloud case ID: 01848192).
  • (On-Premises only) When an Automation Co-Pilot process was checked in and then checked out, the mapped variables did not persist and were lost (Service Cloud case ID: 01847675).

This page includes the following sections:

Top 5 developer features in this release

View the following video on the top 5 developer features:

Updating to this release

If you are on the previous build (Build 15097) of Automation 360 v.25, you must update to the latest Build 15112.

You can update to the latest version of Automation 360 from the previous three releases (that is, from n−3 releases, where n refers to the latest release).

The following previous releases are certified for update to Automation 360 v.25:

When updating from previous releases to v.25 (Build 15097), ensure that you review the information in the following article: Error parsing the SQL instance name while upgrading to Automation 360 v.25 (A-People login required).

If you are on one of these previous releases, for information about updating, see Update Automation 360 to latest version. If you are not on an n−3 release, update Automation 360 to one of the n−3 releases before updating to Automation 360 v.25.

Important: This release includes an optional Bot Agent update. You can continue to run your existing bots without updating the Bot Agent. However, if you want to use the new features in Automation 360 v.25, you must update the Bot Agent available with this release.

For the latest updates to the Automation 360 extensions for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox, see Browser extensions for Automation 360.


Enterprise 11 only features
Automate objects that appear behind bot runtime window (Service Cloud case ID: 00710929)
For the following commands, when you run a bot, you can now automate objects that appear behind the bot runtime window:
  • Image Recognition > Find window in window
  • If/Else > Image Recognition > Window is found in window or not
  • Mouse > Click
  • OCR > Capture area or window

Automation Workspace

Summary of changes in packages

The following table summarizes the new and updated features in the Control Room packages:

Important: For information about the packages supported with this release, see also Packages available in Automation 360.
Build Service Cloud case ID Description
15112 01838276, 01835897 When you update to Automation 360 v.25, an error no longer occurs when the database server includes the instance name.
Builds 14304 and 15112 01834139, 01839933, 01841993, 01839817, 01834108, 01846407, 01845706, 01843349, 01846220, 01846819, 01845547, 01847028, 01847024, 01847094, 01847114, 01847115, 01846998, 01847840, 01846757, 01848123, 01846944, 01848104, 01848294, 01848905, 01846596, 01849748 When you successfully export a bot, the latest bot export activity is now displayed on the Historical activity page. Previously, the latest export event was not displayed as the Ended on column was displaying the value as N/A.
Builds 14304 and 15112 01836296 When you delete a user or a role, only one entry is now generated for each action in the audit log. Previously, multiple duplicate audit log entries were generated for a single action, affecting the user management workflows.
Build 14304 and 15112 01842547, 01846156, 01847338, 01846324, 1842368, 01847054, 01848080, 01848789, 01848151, 01848963, 01847054, 01847121, 01848236, 01848260, 01849016, 01848248, 01848572, 01847828, 01847055,01848826, 01848191, 01848944,01851181, 01849792, 01852057 When you use the Wait > Wait for condition action with conditions that have specific timeout values set, the bot now waits only for the specified waiting time then runs the subsequent action. Previously, even when you specified a timeout value, the bot waited indefinitely.
15097 01274643, 01812436 If you have a function in a DLL that uses a credential variable as an input parameter and if the credential variable is not available in Automation 360, you will see the A108 migration message. Previously, you used to see the E153 migration message.

Migration messages

15097 -- You can now migrate bots even if the date and month are in single-digit or double-digit format and the year is in single-digit, double-digit, or quadruple-digit format for the Modified before and Modified between dates in the File and Folder action. Previously, you had to specify the dates in the MM/DD/YY format before migrating the bots.
15097 01260742 After migration, when the system passes a Credential Value (CV) type variable from a parent bot to a MetaBot Logic's non-CV variable, the temporary string-type variable that is created to hold the CV now does not exceed 50 characters or include an invalid space character.
15097 00796546 The Bot Insight pre-migration utility can now resolve corrupted dashboard IDs that are present in the BI tables and generate the file for the migration. Previously, when corrupted dashboard IDs were detected in the BI tables, the Bot Insight pre-migration utility encountered an error and closed.
15097 01758427, 01805913

In the SAP application, when you use the Click action control, the tabs are now selected precisely.

Note: The Type value in Enterprise 11 is renamed as Role in Automation 360.

When you migrate from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360, the Role value is automatically set to the value that was the SAP Control Type value under SubType if the Type value in Enterprise 11 was set to GuiShell. For example, in Enterprise 11, if the Type value was set to GuiShell and the SubType value was set to Gridview, in Automation 360, the Role value is automatically set to GridView.

15097 01376353, 01449535, 01713118, 01627144, 01762404 When you update your Control Room from Automation 360 v.21 or v.22 to Automation 360 v.25, the installation now completes successfully without any issues. Previously, the installation failed when users who created migration schedules lost the permissions after migration.
15097 01257547, 01722892, 01291187, 01770716, 01777450 You can now edit or delete a schedule because you can no longer delete an .atmx file that is associated with a schedule from the Automation 360 Control Room. Previously, the .atmx file could be deleted, which resulted in an error that prevented you from editing or deleting a schedule.
15097 01255723, 01252824, 01260677, 01608653 When you migrate Enterprise 11 bots with the Comment command enabled, the command now remains enabled after migration.
Note: If the Comment command contains a variable or a $ symbol, the command is disabled after migration.
15097 01755175 You can now migrate bots with system variables (such as date, month, or year) as an Export Data to CSV option without encountering an error.

Previously, a preprocessing error was displayed in such cases.

15097 01261863 You can now migrate bots with system variables or expressions that include array variables without an error. Previously, a preprocessing error occurred in such cases.
15097 01758814 You can now migrate bots when the MetaBots Logic call each other and another, third Logic calls one of these in recursion. Previously, in such cases, bot migration failed with an "An unexpected error occurred" message.
15097 01255810 When you perform the Send Text action two times for the same value in the Terminal Emulator and the first field is protected, when the Terminal Emulator screen is loaded for the second time, it now works properly after the migration.

Previously, when the Terminal Emulator screen was loaded for the second time, an incorrect behavior was observed.

15097 01770547 In Automation 360 commands, expressions in which a variable is included within parentheses and is preceded by a $ character are now migrated properly, with the variable inside parentheses prefixed and suffixed with the $ character.
15097 01258964 After migration, the Capture action can now identify popup windows that use the same title as that of a main window in the SAP GUI. Previously, the Capture action could not identify popup windows that used the same title as that of a main window.
15097 00745395, 00781135, 00831182, 01124360, 01764952 If the path for global cache exceeds 256 characters, Automation 360 automatically changes the path to the default location although the path in the UI displays the path configured by the user. Previously, when the path for global cache exceeded 256 characters, Automation 360 displayed an error when downloading packages.
15097 01767018, 01755092, 01765551, 01764245, 01778477, 01782790, 01795043 If a user does not have access permission for a trigger or a folder with trigger under the public tab, no error message is now displayed on the event triggers page. Previously, if a user did not have access permission, the event trigger page for the user displayed an error under the public tab.
15097 01765445,01759831, 01779960, 01799422 When you log in to the Control Room as an administrator, you can no longer delete users that have active schedules.
15097 01255678 In the Manage > Devices page, the Modified by column now correctly displays the username of the latest user to modify the details. For example, if user1 registers a device and later user2 modifies the device details, such as Deployment type, the username of user2, instead of the username of user1, is displayed in the Modified by column.
15097 -- When you are installing the Control Room (On-Premises), even if an external key vault is configured, you can now manually enter the database credentials and configure them for database authentication in the Windows installer Database Server page.
15097 01753671 When you update to this release, in the View history Task Bot page, the Checked In and Checked In By columns now display the correct information.
15097 -- Now when you run bots that have the Get Total Rows command in the SAP GUI, the values are returned as Integer data type. Previously, such commands returned values as a Float string type.
15097 01212822 During workload automation, you can now view and use queues even if the name of a work item template contains leading or trailing spaces. Although the spaces are displayed in the queue name, they are automatically removed when the work item template is created. Also, leading or trailing spaces in queue names are ignored during execution. Previously, queue names and template names with leading or trailing spaces were not displayed and hence were unavailable for selection.
15097 01772061 When you update to this release, Automation 360 does not allow multiple license-sync jobs to run concurrently. Previously, when multiple license-sync jobs were running, the audit logs displayed Licenses synced errors.
15097 01754415 When you update from Automation 360 v.21 or later, the Bot Agent devices are no longer shown as disconnected in the Control Room Manage > Devices page. When you try to update Bot Agent in versions prior to Automation 360 v.21, a message now indicates that the device is not compatible.
15097 01780460

When you update to this release, the Control Room Advanced options for devices (Administration > Settings > Devices), such as Autologin timeout, Maximum simultaneous downloads, and Bot response wait time, no longer revert to default values.

For example, if you set the Autologin timeout to 70, after updating to this release, the value remains at 70 and does not change back to the default value.

Previously, when you upgraded the Control Room, for example, from Automation 360 v.22 to Automation 360 v.23, the Advanced options for devices reverted to default values.

15097 01762582, 01808698, 01815446

The Control Room Activity page now displays the total number of scheduled activities correctly. Previously, when you had more than 200 scheduled activities, the Control Room Activity page displayed only 200, and you had to sort by the Activity name, Automation priority, or Modified by columns to view the correct number of scheduled activities.

15097 01764492 When you install Automation 360 Control Room, the installer-generated log file no longer displays the password in clear text.
15097 -- In the Administration > Settings > Email page, if the Require verification option is not selected, you no longer receive a verification link in the email notification to verify you as a user. You can now log in to the Control Room without verifying the email ID and setting the login credentials. Previously, an email notification with verification link was sent to verify the email address even if you did not select the Require verification option.
15097 01783110 When you launch a bot, if the bot fails during the run, the Activity > Historical page in the Control Room now shows the correct Started on time, that is, the time when the bot started running. Previously, when a bot run failed, the Started on time incorrectly showed the time when the bot failed. As a result, the Started on and Ended on columns displayed the same time, which was incorrect and confusing.
15097 01826944, 01828683 When you log in to the Control Room, the Activity > Historical page now loads without error. For the historical data in the JOBEXECUTION table, a new Cloud data retention policy of 90 days is implemented, whereby the Cloud historical data is deleted along with the rollout of Automation 360 v.25 to the different regions. Previously, when you logged in to the Control Room, the Activity > Historical page did not load because of a large number of records, and the following error message was displayed: An unexpected problem has occurred
15097 01753337, 01785865 On the Activity > In progress page, when you use the sort function to list the items in the Started on column in ascending or descending order, the items are listed correctly now.
15097 -- You can now successfully establish a secure SQL connection in the Linux environment by choosing the Enable option in the Database Configuration > Secure Configuration > Secure Connection field. The Linux installer now successfully imports the SSL certificate, and the connection is established. Previously, the Linux installer failed to import the SSL certificate and the connection was not established.
15097 00781974 In the Linux environment, you will no longer encounter issues with services stopping due to disk storage issue. Previously, some of the Control Room log messages were stored in the /var/log/messages file instead of the /var/log/automationanywhere directory, leading to low disk space.
15097 01260701 When you run bots on user devices, bots no longer become stuck in queues. Also, the following messages are no longer displayed:
  • Waiting for user username
  • Picked at runtime
15097 01760032 Domain names are no longer case-sensitive, and you can now create users by using the Active Directory group mapping and map a role to a user in the Control Room. Previously, because some Active Directory servers were returning domain names in uppercase whereas others were in lowercase, domain names could not be found and there was an issue with the group mapping feature.
15097 00828289 The Global Value fields are now validated and have a maximum length of 4000 characters.
15097 00828289 When you navigate to My settings > My Profile > Edit in the Control Room and provide a link, for example, <a href="">LinkInjection</a>, the email sent contains a link, and the email text sent is validated against HTML injection and you will no longer see a functional link.
15097 01754431, 01773662, 01789555, 01791065, 01784255, 01785653, 01780070 When you use the Recorder to capture an object, set the waiting time for detecting the object to fewer than 30 seconds in the Keep trying for (seconds) field, and run the bot, the Recorder now waits for the specified time to detect the object and waits for the page to load completely. Previously, the Recorder waited for a minimum of 30 seconds to detect the object regardless of the time specified.
Note: This fix is applicable only to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium browsers.
15097 01614810 You can now use a blank space as the delimiter in the Specify delimiter (optional) field. In the Open action of the CSV/TXT package, when you browse the filepath to open a file, add a blank space as the delimiter in the Specify delimiter (optional) field, and run the bot, the blank space is now treated correctly as a delimiter and the bot no longer fails.
15097 01387738 When you use the Browser > Open action to open a new window in Google Chrome, the new window is now activated and displayed in front of the other open windows. Previously, when you ran a bot, the window remained in the minimized state.
15097 01273095 When you enter a decimal value with 16 or more decimal points in a cell of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and when you use the Read cell value option in the Excel advanced > Get single cell, Get multiple cells, or Get worksheet as data table actions to retrieve the decimal value from the cell, the format of the cell value no longer changes from General to Scientific.
15097 01144509, 01767881 When you connect to an SAP session, use the If > Object exists Recorder condition to identify and capture objects on the SAP application, disconnect the SAP session, and then run these actions in a loop, the bot now detects the objects correctly in every iteration of the loop. Previously, when the bot was run in a loop, it captured the objects correctly only during the first iteration and failed during subsequent iterations.
15097 01769573 If you use the App integration > Capture text of window action to capture the text in a command prompt window, when you run the bot, the bot now captures all the characters in each line correctly. Previously, the bot failed to capture the last characters in each line.
15097 01628448, 01766957, 01788709, 01788801, 01789538, 01803156, 01781597, 01810230, 01811694, 01802054, 01815687, 01823526,01814962, 01833962, 01835418, 01835382, 01837832,01830790 The Excel advanced package now works as expected and without any issues. Previously, the package threw a generic exception error intermittently.
15097 00824995, 01451063, 01274854 In the PDF > Extract field action, when you select the Open PDF viewer option, select a PDF file from the Control Room or Desktop, click Load, and open the PDF viewer, you can now view the PDF document. Previously, when you selected the Open PDF viewer option to view the selected PDF document, a blank page was shown, and you could see the value in the PDF document only when you selected a specific rectangular area in the blank field.
15097 00957308 In the File > Copy Desktop file action, when you specify a source filepath where the folder name contains a number sign (#) character or the filename contains a wildcard character, specify a destination filepath to copy the file, and run the bot, the bot now detects the source filepath and copies the file to the specified destination location successfully. Previously, when you ran the bot, the bot failed to detect the source filepath and hence did not copy the file to the destination folder.
15097 01685239 You can now use the Recorder to capture objects on the Citrix Xenapp application, use the If > Object does not exist condition to verify whether a specific object exists in the application, and successfully run a bot from a parent bot. Previously, when you tried to do this, an error occurred.
15097 01260387 A password-protected Microsoft Excel file is no longer corrupted when you open the file manually after successfully running a bot using the Excel basic package. Previously, when you used the actions in the Excel basic package to open a password-protected Excel file, made some updates to the file, and closed the file by selecting Save changes when closing file in the Excel basic > Close action, the password-protected Excel file became corrupted when you opened it manually from its location.
15097 00920617 When you connect to your mailbox through the IMAP protocol, use For each mail in mail box as email loop iterator to retrieve all email message received before date filter, and run the bot, the bot now retrieves all the email messages received before the specified date, including the email messages received on the specified date before the specified time.
15097 -- In Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers, you can now successfully open network URLs that start with two backslash (\) characters by using the Browser > Open action.
15097 01015001 When you specify the total number of packages that you want to view per page under the Manage > Package section in the Control Room, the page now displays the correct number of packages specified. Previously, all the packages were displayed on a single page even if you chose to view only a specific number of packages.
15097 01711629 In the Recorder > Capture action, when you select a specific browser window whose title matches another browser window from the Browser tab and run the bot, the bot now accurately opens the selected browser window. Previously, when the title of two browser windows matched, the bot randomly opened a browser window with a matching title.
15097 -- You can now use the Browser > Run JavaScript action to successfully run JavaScript on web pages that have iFrames.
15097 01075660, 01273111 The Excel advanced > Open and Create workbook actions now display the Default session value under the Local session field.
15097 01252773, 01278029, 01772301, 01765017 An error no longer occurs when you use the Excel advanced > Open action to open a worksheet that is a type of hidden chart or a macro. You can specify the sheet name to open the worksheet of type macro.
Note: When you open the default sheet, ensure that the active sheet is an Excel Worksheet. If the active sheet is of type chart, the following error message is now displayed: The Excel file does not contain an active sheet to open. Please make sure the Excel file you want to open has at least one active sheet.
15097 -- After migration, when you run the bots that use File and Folder packages, the year under the Date option now accepts the value 00 as input, which is considered as year 2000.
15097 01257829 In the REST Web Services package actions, you can now add a Custom content type, using which you can add content that does not fall under a standard content type.
15097 -- In the REST Web Services package actions, you can now perform Add Substitution, using which you can enter variables in the REST request body.
15097 01784553, 01794924 In the SOAP Web Service package actions, the ampersand character (&) is now automatically escaped. Previously, the ampersand character (&) which is a reserved control character, was not automatically escaped, which resulted in invalid XML files.
15097 01767571 In the REST Web Services package actions, new lines in the request body are no longer altered at runtime. For example, when the request body contains a new line, it is no longer replaced by a space at runtime. Previously, when a request body contained a new line, it was replaced by a space.
15097 00773353, 00787270 In the REST Web Services package actions, you can now use the user token option to access the Control Room APIs. When you log in to the Control Room, a token is generated, which is used by the bot to access the endpoints of the Control Room API used within the bot.
15097 01372460 You can now run bots by using the RunScript action of the Legacy Automation package. When you pass multiple arguments to replace values from a Microsoft Word document, the bot now runs the function and replaces and displays the text on a new line. Previously, the text was displayed on the same line.
15097 01758458 When you use the Connect action to establish a connection with an email server, use the Disconnect action to close the connection with the same session name. You will then not encounter any issue when you establish a new connection again with the same or different credentials.
15097 01273357 You can create a bot to run a standard workflow in SAP BAPI, and the output is now generated correctly as a .CSV file. Previously, when you ran a standard workflow in SAP BAPI, the generated output was varied.
15097 01342887 When you run a process by using the Terminal Emulator package, the terminal window is now activated and remains in the front. Previously, when you ran a process, the terminal window was not activated and stayed minimized.
15097 01251933 In the Terminal Emulator package, when you use the Connect action to establish a connection with TN3270E, an error no longer occurs. Previously, an error occurred, and the following error message was displayed on the mainframe screen: ISPP904 Panel ISR@PRIM error - x'0E' or x'0F' is invalid as an attribute character
15097 01432885 When you run a bot, the Task bots run metric on the Home dashboard page of the Control Room now displays the correct count. Previously, the metric displayed an incorrect count. For example, on the Home dashboard page, if the Task bots run count showed 39, when you ran the bot, the count displayed was 42 instead of 40.
15097 00742840 When you use actions such as Open and Run function from the DLL package, you no longer encounter any issues. The bot now opens the DLL file even if the DLL filepath length is fewer than 256 characters.
15097 01261786, 01615115 When you edit a bot and disable any action within it, you can now use the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut to undo an action. Previously, the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut did not work as expected.
15097 01080067 In the Active Directory package, when you use usernames with special characters, the bot now runs successfully. Previously, when you added a user to a group, if the username had special characters, when you tried to remove the user from the group, the bot failed.
15097 00962414 You no longer encounter an issue when you connect to a puTTY application through Terminal Emulator. Previously, when the terminal was connected to the host, the host prompted for a password. Subsequently, the terminal screen went blank, and the bot displayed the following error: Unable to connect to a terminal. Please check connection details
15097 00829259 In Active Directory, you can now successfully create a user with one of the following options: Require password change at next login or Do not require password change at next login. Previously, when you used the Connect action to establish a connection, if the LDAP connection path contained the OU attribute with a space value such as OU=aa unit, an error occurred when you ran the bot.
15097 00961069 When you are using the Send text action from the Terminal Emulator package, you can now send numeric keyboard minus (-) keys using Simulate keystrokes action [ALT DOWN] - [ALT UP] keys to the mainframe application.

For more information, see A360 : How to send hyphen(-) in Terminal Emulator TN5250E (A-people login required).

15097 00825675 When you delete the variables mapping from parent and child bots and then run the parent bot, the bot no longer encounters an error. Previously, when you deleted the variables mapping from parent and child bots and then ran the parent bot, the bot failed.
15097 00798604 When you use the Run Function action from the VBScript package, the bot no longer encounters an error. You can now specify the function name to run and pass arguments that contain brackets ([]). Previously, the Run Function action failed to run if an open or close bracket was included in any position in a string parameter.
15097 -- When you use a DLL file that is available in the Control Room, and if the DLL filepath is fewer than 260 characters, the bot now retrieves the DLL file successfully.
15097 01149730 You can now connect to an email server, select the IMAP protocol, use Loop > For each mail in mail box iterator, and successfully download attachments from an email message and save them to a specified folder. Previously, if the attachments had a bin file, the attachments were not downloaded or saved to a folder.
15097 00919896 When you use actions such as Send text or Send key from the Terminal Emulator package, the bot launcher no longer stops working. Previously, bots created using actions from the Terminal Emulator package sometimes stopped working at random when a double-byte character set (DBCS) was enabled and the host screen had a wrapped field.
15097 00950682 You can now use the Open spreadsheet action in the Google Sheets package without any issue, even if you use a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file or a proxy-enabled environment.
15097 01257464 When you connect to an email server with the IMAP configuration and use the Move all action with a filter for all mail received before a certain date, all email messages that meet the criterion can now be moved from one folder to another without any issue.
15097 01753270 In the Google Drive package, you can now use the Create file permission action with the File ID option. Previously, when you used Create file permission, if no other Google Drive action was placed before it, an error occurred.
15097 01276141 In the email package, when you use the Move all action or the Loop > For each mail in mail box iterator, you can now add any number of email addresses in the From specific sender field. Previously, the email loop did not work if the From specific sender field had more than two email addresses.
15097 01689348 You can no longer import bots with incomplete package files from one Control Room to another because the system now disallows and rejects the import of incomplete package files.
15097 01763262, 01762153 You can now create a bot and run stored procedures successfully. Previously, if you had two stored procedures in different databases, for example, Database A.dbo.SP_A and Database_B.dbo.SP_B, in the SQL Server, if you were connected to Database_A and wanted to run the stored procedure in Database_B, the execution failed because the fully qualified stored procedure name was not supported in the Run stored procedure action.
15097 -- You can now successfully download exported bots by navigating to Activity > Historical > Bot Export: Export.<date_name > Download exported zip file.
15097 01762348 Bots that are deployed from the Control Room on user devices are no longer stuck in a queue after the unattended Bot Runners are added from a device pool.
15097 01151181 If you have the required permissions, you can now successfully delete an inactive schedule from the Manage > Scheduled > Scheduled activity page. Previously, even if you had the required schedule permissions, when you tried to delete an inactive schedule, you encountered an error message about permissions.
15097 00917927, 01255618 The Modified by field in the Manage > Scheduled page now displays the correct username for recurring schedules. Previously, when schedules were imported from one environment to another, the Modified by field showed the username of the original Bot Creator or administrator.
15097 01778350, 01803570

When you create a schedule in the Control Room, the Manage > Scheduled > View activity > Schedule page now displays the correct end time for the End date field. Previously, when an end date was selected for a schedule, the end time shown for the End date field was incorrect.

15097 -- In the Kubernetes environment, when you try to create a queue, you no longer encounter an error.
15097 00716776, 00778659, 01820190, 01856732 If you check out an item at certain time T1 and then cancel the checkout later at time T2, the canceled checkout is not considered as a modification to the item. Also, the last modified time is rolled back to time T1 that is when the bot was checked-out last time from the Public folder. Previously, the canceled checkout at certain time T2 was incorrectly considered as a modification to the item. Also, the last modification time was incorrectly shown as time T2 that is when checkout was canceled. Thus, it was difficult to keep track of actual modification dates of items.
15097 -- In the Kubernetes environment, you can now delete work items even after pausing a queue. Previously, when you paused a queue and tried to delete a work item, an error sometimes prevented you from deleting the work item.
15097 01255617 The WLM filters in the Queue > Work items page now return accurate results. Previously, filters were not working accurately when you combined them.
15097 01806221, 01805371, 01818356, 01828330 After you update to Automation 360 v.24, WLM tasks no longer fail. Previously, after an update, bot execution processes or actual bot execution sometimes failed, resulting in the failure of WLM tasks as well.
15097 01769740 Bot descriptions are now displayed even after you check in or check out bot. Previously, after you checked in or checked out a bot for the first time, the bot descriptions stopped being displayed.
15097 01764336 An appropriate error message is now displayed when you try to change the work item status from Ready to run to On hold or Complete. The error message now informs you that because the queue is already in use, you must either pause or stop a queue automation to change the status of the work item. Previously, the error message displayed did not help with rectifying the issue.
15097 01273374 The gettasklogdata API now shows real-time data, whereby local time values are converted to UTC values for that API request.

The following table lists the limitations identified in the current release:

Internet Explorer EOL updates

Note: This release (Automation 360 v.25) includes features from Automation 360 v.24R2 (Build 13331). For information about what's available in the v.24R2 release, see Automation 360 v.24R2 Release Notes for Internet Explorer 11 EOL.
Packages and actions

You can now migrate Internet Explorer bots from Enterprise 11 and Enterprise 10 to Automation 360 and convert the bots to Microsoft Edge with IE mode for the following actions and commands in the Web Recorder package:

  • Navigate URL, Go Back, and Search by Caption actions.
  • Open Browser and Close Browser commands. These commands are mapped to the Legacy Automation > Open Page and Close Page actions in Microsoft Edge with IE mode.

To launch Internet Explorer bots, in the Legacy Automation package, select the Launch Internet Explorer in Edge compatibility mode option.

To migrate and convert Internet Explorer bots, in the Control Room, from Administration > Migration > Migrate bots, select the Convert bots built using Internet Explorer to Edge with Internet Explorer mode option.

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users

Note: For Automation 360 v.25, Automation Co-Pilot does not support an Oracle Database. You can continue to use Automation Co-Pilot with Microsoft SQL Server.
What's changed
Request reference for Process Composer package

The Automation Co-Pilot web package now supports reference IDs. A reference ID is a combination of a prefix and a number that is created from a process key and is incremented every time a request is created. Request ID is replaced by Request Reference, and Team ID is replaced by Team Reference.

Process Composer package

Process and package version changes in Get Storage file action

The Get Storage file action now requires the matching of versions between the version of the process and the version of the package. Processes created before Automation 360 v.25 must be used with package versions from before Automation 360 v.25. Similarly, processes created after Automation 360 v.25 must be used with package versions after Automation 360 v.25.

Process Composer package

Build Service Cloud case ID Description
15112 01841448, 1839118, 1844817, 01846153, 01846332, 01839254

When you download a series of packages from the bot compilation, the download is now faster.

15112 01847675 After you update to Automation 360 v.25, when you modify a process in a private workspace, you can now save your changes successfully, without encountering an error. Previously you will get a process error when you attempt to modify and save your process, or when you open the same process again.
15112 01848192 After you update to Automation 360 v.25, you can now insert or modify conditions, such as the If/Else logic, to your process without any issues. Previously when you made changes or add the If/Else element to the process logic, a Go to element would be added to the logic which caused a process error.
15097 01807181, 01809192, 01816444 Cloud users: You can now successfully upload a file for your requests. This applies to some scenarios when you upload a file and the request creation fails.
15097 01771877 In the process editor, at the end of your process, you can now drag Go To and add it to your End Point.
15097 01774331 When you use the Row before scrolling option from the Table element and specify a number of rows, the web interface now renders the correct number of rows that you specified.
15097 -- When you use the Document element and click the Fit option to fit your document in request view, the document is now scaled to fit the frame entirely.
15097 -- If you design a form with a drop-drown rule applied to it, when you view the drop-down in read-only mode in the web interface, you can now view the changed data.
15097 -- After you are disconnected, when you log back in to the web interface, the next= parameter is no longer shown in the URL and you are now redirected to the page that you were on before you were disconnected.
15097 -- For the Text Box element, the Does not contain form rule now works correctly.
15097 -- For the Rich Text Editor element, the Contains form rule is now working correctly.
15097 -- When you create a form with the Document and Dropdown elements, you can now submit your form without issues.
15097 -- You can now use Request Reference as a parameter in the Process Composer package.
15097 01803846 You can now use Request Reference in the Process Composer package, for example, as an output for the Create a Request action. Request ID is now replaced by Request Reference.
15097 -- You can now successfully submit an initial form that has a table with no content, data, or rows.
15097 01803019 When you open and view a task, the task assignment now correctly shows the user assigned to that task.

When you attempt to delete a request that is associated with more than one file, the deletion fails.

After you create a request from a private process, when you attempt to open and run the request in a new tab, a new tab is generated but it fails to run the request and the URL is not correct.

Discovery Bot

Service Cloud case ID Description
00971940, 01018262, 01255326, 01829662 You can now successfully record a process without encountering an error because when you log in to the Control Room, the proxy settings now support the following scenarios:
  • No proxy is enabled.
  • Proxy is entered with username and password.
  • Proxy is entered without username and password.

Previously, when you recorded a process, if there was no proxy and if you entered a username and password with proxy enabled, an error occurred.

Limitations from previous releases

Depending on the memory available in your system, the PDD (in PDF or Microsoft Word format) can support up to 250 recorded steps captured in the document. If a process is recorded with more than 250 steps, the PDD generation periodically stops functioning.

Workaround: Regenerate the PDD and click Download.

Document Automation

New capability:

Document Automation

IQ Bot

Note: For Automation 360 v.25, IQ Bot does not support an Oracle Database. You can continue to use IQ Bot with Microsoft SQL Server.
What's new
Migrate the roles associated with a learning instance

You can now retrieve a list of custom roles with access to a learning instance in a source environment and grant users in a destination environment access to the learning instance by using the Roles migration API.

IQ Bot roles migration APIs (A-People login required)

Track the number of pages processed in standard forms separately from IQ Bot

The Control Room Licenses page now shows the number of pages processed in standard forms, the Classifier, and through IQ Bot. If the licenses are added to the Control Room from the Cloud, the Licenses page also shows the number of pages processed in other Control Room instances.

Automation 360 licenses

What's changed
Reinstall IQ Bot services using a new script

You can now reinstall all the IQ Bot services together in a batch or choose to reinstall them individually by using the reinstall-allservices.bat script.

Postinstallation checklist

Service Cloud case ID Description
00780662 A round-off error no longer causes documents to fail formula validation. Previously, these documents were manually validated.
01763658 For the Concatenate Images action in the IQ Bot Pre-processor package, if a filename does not exceed 256 characters, the output is now successfully generated.
01795651 When you export the IQBA file from a learning instance of a custom domain type with manual groups to another learning instance, the manual Group Label is now exported successfully. Previously, without a manual Group Label, it was difficult to distinguish between system-generated groups and manual groups for new learning instances.
00780712 When you import IQBA files using VisionBot data, among the learning instances, you can now see new groups created. Previously, new groups were not created when documents were uploaded.
-- An error message is no longer displayed when you change the display language of any learning instance that has a document in Validator. Previously, even if the selected display language was applied successfully to a learning instance, the system showed an error.
-- When you use the Overwrite option to import a learning instance, the Default validations group is now successfully overwritten. Previously, the Default validations group was not overwritten, and you needed to manually edit the learning instance after importing the IQBA file and then change the default group.
-- When you use the IQ Bot Extraction package, you can now view your document count on the Details page of the learning instance. Previously, if you processed documents that did not belong to any created groups, they were not displayed on the Details page of the learning instance.
-- You can now sort the PagesUpload column in the Learning instance > Document Group tab. Previously, the following error message was displayed: System error, please try again after some time
-- On the Designer, when you resize the system identified region (SIR) of an automapped field, the values from the resized selection are now captured accurately in the corresponding value field.
-- Database Migration Assistant Tool now notifies with an error if there are any environmental issues (such as missing DLL). Previously, the tools and logs indicated that migration was complete, even if a unified database was not created.
-- When a non-English filename is uploaded using the Invoice domain and processed using the AutoExtract command, system identified regions are now generated. Previously, to process the documents successfully, you had to convert the non-English filename to English characters.
-- If you import a learning instance with a set default validation group to an environment where the learning instance was previously deleted, the default validation group setting stays intact. Previously, the imported learning instance appeared without the default validation group.
-- The column header name for the Default validations group now appears in the Projectdetails.csv file obtained from exporting a learning instance.
-- For a standard forms learning instance, if you try to process a large number of documents (more than 10,000) by using the Process documents action from the IQ Bot Extraction package, some of the documents might not be processed.
-- During IQ Bot Extraction package updates, even when you use the Tesseract4 OCR, there is no delay in the document processing time and throughput results.
-- In standard forms learning instances, you can now set a default value for optional fields. If extraction fails for an optional field, the system uses the default value you set.
-- You can now access standard forms learning instances created in earlier IQ Bot versions that were installed with the CyberArk vault key.

Bot Insight

What's changed
Dashboards now require the use of the Analyze package version 2.3.0-20210922-121532 or later. This version of the package is available from Automation 360 v.23.

Bot Insight dashboards

Service Cloud case ID Description
01755186 When you use a filter on an individual widget, the filter is now correctly applied only to that filter, as expected. Previously, a filter meant for a specific widget was sometimes applied to other widgets, as well.

Automation Anywhere for Genesys

What's new
Automate tasks for Genesys platform with Genesys package for Automation 360
Use the actions in this package for onboarding and updating records in the repository. Each action palette offers single and bulk record creation and delete/remove actions for records. You can list or search records for referencing the IDs required for updating other records. You can also organize the records for communication purposes and contextual insight. The action palettes in this package include the following:
  • Record creation: User, Division, Phone, External contacts
  • Organize records: Group, Queue, External organization
  • Record attributes: Language, Role, Skill

Genesys package

Feature deprecations

Review features and capabilities (from Automation Anywhere or other third-party vendors) that are deprecated or nearing deprecation to understand how they impact your automation. For more information, see also this page: Upcoming feature deprecations.
Human-Bot Collaboration 11.3.x deprecated

The Human-Bot Collaboration (HBC) 11.3.x was deprecated from August 2020 with the release of Enterprise A2019.15, after which the product has not been actively developed or maintained. Customers that are using HBC 11.3.x are required to migrate to the Automation 360 platform to use Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users (Automation Co-Pilot), Web or Desktop. For this migration, there is no automated migration path because of an absence of parity between the two products (including sets of features). Any path that you take to migrate from HBC 11.3.x to the Automation 360 platform will involve significant manual steps to convert and map bots and other assets (such as forms, teams, and tasks) to Automation Co-Pilot assets (such as bots, forms, processes, teams).

Upcoming feature deprecations

Basic authentication in Exchange online

Microsoft has announced that starting October 1, 2022 Basic authentication will be permanently disabled in Exchange Online. This change will impact bots used for email automation that connect to Exchange Online with Basic authentication using IMAP, POP3, or EWS protocols. Hence, Microsoft recommends customers to switch from Basic authentication to OAuth 2.0.

To maintain business continuity of the impacted bots, Automation 360 customers and partners can leverage the OAuth 2.0 feature support in Email package and Email trigger that will be delivered in the week of Aug 29th, 2022.

Deprecation of Basic authentication in Exchange Online | Everything about Basic Authentication deprecation in Microsoft Exchange online (A-People login required)

Manifest V2 extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

As Google will deprecate Manifest V2 extensions by June 2023, this might impact your existing automations that use our current MV2 extensions in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. You can choose to use the enterprise group policy to continue to use Manifest V2 extensions until June 2023(Manifest V3 transition timeline). However, post this date, you have to switch to Manifest V3 extensions for your automations to work.

We plan to provide Manifest V3 extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge with our next release Automation 360 v.26. We recommend that you now start planning to switch to Manifest V3 extensions.

Chrome and Edge Manifest V3 extensions

Tesseract v3 OCR planned change from October 2022

Tesseract is an open source OCR engine leveraged by Automation 360 IQ Bot as part of document processing and extraction. Tesseract v3 has not been updated since 2018, and it will no longer be packaged with Automation 360 IQ Bot from the next release v.26 (planned for October 2022).

Tesseract 3 OCR was removed as an option from the IQ Bot learning instance creation user interface about 2 years back (in our v.13 release). However, we continued to package this older OCR version, which ensured that learning instances previously created on Tesseract 3 can function.

Starting from our next release Automation 360 v.26, Automation 360 IQ Bot will no longer package Tesseract 3. From v.26 release, document processing against learning instances with Tesseract 3 will result in an error, indicating that this OCR version is not available. However, the learning instances will remain in the system, allowing customers to view their details and train with alternative OCR options (including Tesseract v4 OCR).

For all existing learning instances trained using Tesseract v3 OCR, we recommend that you plan to train them with alternative OCRs (including Tesseract v4), before you update to v.26. Note that Automation 360 IQ Bot Cloud customers will receive v.26 release by default from October.

IQ Bot Extraction package deprecation from October 2022

As part of Automation 360 v.25, IQ Bot Extraction package will no longer support pre-trained machine learning model for invoice data extraction, but will continue to support learning instance group based-training extraction.

We have released a new set of capabilities on pre-trained models with Document Automation as part of v.25 release, including a new command package called Document Extraction . IQ Bot Extraction package will be deprecated starting from the next release Automation 360 v.26, so we recommend our customers to start leveraging this new Document Extraction package.

For more information about Document Extraction package and instructions on how to move learning instances to Document Automation, see Move from IQ Bot Extraction package to Document Automation.