Use the Create Meeting action to specify a meeting agenda, attachments, attendees, duration, location, recurrence, and title. During run time, this action sends an invitation email to meeting attendees.


This action uses two Datetime variables to set the meeting start and end. Define the values before you start. The recurrence option also uses two Datetime variables to set the start and end. For more information, see Your variables (user-defined).
To create a meeting, do the following:


  1. Enter the session name that you used in the Connect action.
  2. Enter the calendar name.
    This field is case-sensitive.
    The Calendar appears and is the default Microsoft Office setting.
  3. Specify the meeting start date and time.
    Select a DateTime variable from the drop-down list.
  4. Specify the meeting end date and time.
    Select a DateTime variable with a value that is the same or after the start time.
  5. Optional: Mark the All day meeting option.
    For an all day meeting, ensure that there is a one-day difference between the start and end dates.
  6. Enter attendee email addresses, separated by commas.
  7. Optional: Enter the following details:
    • Attach a file from the Control Room, Desktop, or insert a File variable.
    • Enter a meeting title.
    • Enter a meeting location.
    • Enter an agenda.
    • Set a reminder.
    • Set a recurrence with the following options:
      • Select the recurrence type: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
        • For Weekly recurrence, mark the days of the week on which the meeting takes place.
        • For Monthly recurrence, either enter the numerical date or select a day.
          For example, to schedule a meeting that takes place on the twenty-fifth day of the month enter 25 in the Specific date field.
          Note: If you enter 31 in the Specific date field, for the months with less than 31 days, the meeting will schedule for the last day of the month.
          To schedule it for the last Monday of the month, select Last from the Occurrence drop-down list and Monday from the Weekday drop-down list.
        • For Yearly recurrence, either enter the numerical date and month or select a day and month.

          For example, to schedule a meeting that takes place on March 15, enter 15 in the Specific Date field and March in the Month field. To schedule it for the second Friday in March, select Second from the Occurrence drop-down list, select Friday from the Weekday drop-down list, and March from the Month drop-down list.

      • Enter the recurrence frequency.
      • Specify the recurrence start by selecting a DateTime variable from the drop-down list.
      • If the recurrence has an end date, select a DateTime variable from the drop-down list.