How subject filter works when moving emails

In the Move all action and the Loop action in the Email package, learn how the subject filter works in order to move your emails from one folder to another in the email or Microsoft Outlook server.

You can use the keywords in the email subject field to filter emails. If keywords are added within quotes , the bot will look for an exact match of keywords in the subject field to filter and retrieve emails.

Outlook server

The following table explains how the subject filter works when the subject field contains single, multiple texts, or multiple subjects separated by semi-colon.

  • Single text
    Result Example
    With double quotes: Retrieves emails with the exact subject text and is case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=["Automation"]: The filter retrieves emails where the subject text includes “Automation” as an exact word.
    Without double quotes: Retrieves emails that have the similar text and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=[Automation]: The filter searches and retrieves emails where the subject text includes Automation.
  • Multiple text
    Result Example
    With double quotes: Retrieves emails with the exact subject text and is case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=["Automation Anywhere"]: The filter retrieves emails where subject text includes “Automation Anywhere” as an exact phrase.
    Without double quotes: Retrieve emails with any text or combination of text and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=[Automation Anywhere]: The filter searches and retrieves emails where subject text includes Automation or Automation Anywhere.
  • Multiple subjects separated by semi-colon
    Result Example
    With double quotes: Retrieve emails that contain exact search text in the subject line and is case-sensitive. Example, when you search with the following subject line separated by a semicolon: [Subject 1] =["Delivery Failure"];[Subject 2] =["Mail server not found"]

    The filter retrieves emails that contain “Delivery Failure" or “Mail server not found” in the subject line as an exact match.

    Without double quotes: Retrieve emails that contain any of the search text in the subject line and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject 1]= [Delivery Failure];[Subject 2]= [Mail server not found], separated by a semicolon.

    The filter will retrieve all emails in which the subject line contains the text, such as Delivery Failure, Mail server not found, delivery failure, or mail server not found.

    Some with double quotes and some without double quotes: Retrieve emails that contain text in the subject line with or without double quotes. Example: [Subject 1]= [Delivery Failure];[Subject 2]= ["Mail server not found"], separated by a semicolon.
    • For Subject 1, the filter searches and retrieves emails that include the search text in the subject line.
    • For Subject 2, the filter searches and retrieves emails that contain the search text with an exact match in the subject line.

Email server

The following table explains how the subject filter works when the subject field contains single, multiple texts, or multiple subjects separated by semi-colon.

  • Single text
    Result Example
    With double quotes: Retrieves emails with the exact subject text and is case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=["Automation"]: The filter retrieves emails where the subject text includes “Automation” as an exact word.
    Without double quotes: Retrieves emails that have the similar text and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=[Automation]: The filter searches and retrieves emails where the subject text includes Automation.
  • Multiple text
    Result Example
    With double quotes: Retrieves emails with the exact subject text and is case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=["Automation Anywhere"]: The filter retrieves emails where subject text includes “Automation Anywhere” as an exact phrase.
    Without double quotes: Retrieve emails with any text or combination of text and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject]=[Automation Anywhere]: The filter searches and retrieves emails where subject text includes Automation or Automation Anywhere.
  • Multiple subjects separated by semi-colon
    Result Example
    With double quotes:Retrieve emails for each subject that is an exact match and is case-sensitive.

    Example: [Subject 1] =["Delivery Failure"];[Subject 2] =["Mail server not found"]

    Individual subjects separated by a semicolon with an exact match are searched. The filter retrieves emails with the subject line “Delivery Failure” and/or “Mail server not found”.

    Without double quotes: Retrieve emails for each subject and is not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject 1]= [Delivery Failure];[Subject 2]= [Mail server not found]

    The filter retrieves emails that include the subject line with text as Delivery Failure or Mail server not found.

    Some with double quotes and some without double quotes: Retrieve emails for each subject. Subjects within double quotation marks are an exact match. Subjects without double quotes are not case-sensitive. Example: [Subject 1]= [Delivery Failure];[Subject 2] = ["Mail server not found"]
    • For Subject 1, the filter searches and retrieves emails that include the text in the subject line.
    • For Subject 2, the filter searches and retrieve emails with the exact text in the subject line.

EWS Server

The following table explains how the subject filter works when the subject field contains single or multiple texts with, or without, double quotes.
Email Subject
Searched with keywords move email move email (Include space) Move email "move email" "Move email" " move email" (Include space) " Move email" (Include space) move email test move email
move email Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
move email - - - - - Yes Yes - - -
Move email Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
"move email" Yes Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes - -
"Move email" - - Yes - Yes - Yes - - -
" move email" - - - - - Yes - - - -
" Move email" - - - - - - Yes - - -
move email test - - - - - - - Yes - -
move Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
email Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
email" - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - -
"move - - - Yes Yes - - - - -
  • When you search with keywords such as move email, Move email, or move, the bot will look for the keywords in the Subject field to filter and retrieve emails.
  • When you search with keywords inside a pair of double quotation marks in the Subject field such as "Move email", "Move email", "move, or email", the bot will look for an exact match of keywords and is case-sensitive to filter and retrieve emails.