Identify the most common steps in a path or the paths which contain that step, as well as any process loops, where a user returns to a previous screen or application.


Create a flow-based mining run. See Create a Flow-based mining run


After the mining run is completed, the Mining Runs page displays the flow-based mining run with the identified processes.

  1. Expand the list of processes for the completed mining run.
  2. Under the Actions column, click the downward-pointing arrow then Visualize Process.
  3. Use the following flow graph visualization features to identify automation or optimization opportunities:
    • Most popular path: The first path in the right-side panel is the path that contains the most commonly-occurring steps. The subsequent paths are organized in descending order of how often the steps occur in the variations of that path.
    • Most common steps: A pink line highlights the most common connection between steps. Click on a step that is intersected by a pink line to see all the paths that contain the connection.

      A pink line connects four steps, indicating the most-common connection between steps

    • Process loops: In a process loop, a user returns to a previous application or screen. Look for arrows that point to a previous step, such as in the graphic below.

      Curved arrows point from a step to a previous step, which marks a loop in the process

Next steps

Analyze and prioritize processes