Review the provided examples on how to add and group actions during the package SDK development process.

Example: Add actions

//CommandPks adds required information to be dispalable on the UI.
		//Unique name inside a package and a label to display.
		name = "concatenate", label = "[[Concatenate.label]]", 
		node_label = "[[Concatenate.node_label]]", description = "[[Concatenate.description]]", icon = "pkg.svg", 
		//Return type information. return_type ensures only the right kind of variable is provided on the UI. 
		return_label = "[[Concatenate.return_label]]", return_type = STRING, return_required = true)
Example: Group actions

Use the group_label to ConcatenateGroup which it is displayed in the UI also as ConcatenateGroup. When the group_label is not used, you will get all the actions in the respective package.


//CommandPks adds required information to be dispalable on the UI.
		//Provide a unique name inside a package and a label to display.
		group_label = "ConcatenateGroup", name = "concatenateWithGroup", label = "concatenateWithGroup",
		node_label = "[[Concatenate.node_label]]", description = "[[Concatenate.description]]", icon = "pkg.svg", 
		//Return type information. return_type ensures only the right kind of variable is provided on the UI. 
		return_label = "[[Concatenate.return_label]]", return_type = STRING, return_required = true)
public class ConcatenateWithGroup {