As an Administrator user, you can create users and assign roles in the Process Discovery platform.


  1. Log in to your Process Discovery platform as an administrator.
  2. Click your account initials in the upper-right corner and select Manage Users.
  3. Click Create User.
    The Create New User window appears.
  4. Enter the first name of the user in the FIRST NAME field.
  5. Enter the last name of the user in the LAST NAME field.
  6. Enter the email address of the user in the EMAIL field.
    This is also the unique user ID for the user.
  7. In the ROLE field, click the drop-down to select a Process Discovery role for the user. For more information on Process Discovery role, see Process Discovery user roles.
  8. To select an avatar for the user, click Choose Image file.
  9. Navigate to an image on your computer and click Open to select the image.
  10. Click Create User.
    Process Discovery automatically generates and sends an email inviting the user to log in and use the platform.
    Note: If the user does not activate the account within 24 hours of receiving the email invitation, click the Didn't receive confirmation instructions link on the login page to resend the confirmation email. Enter the email address in the field provided and click resend confirmation instructions.
  11. To reset a user password for a fully registered user, click Actions > Force Password Reset.
  12. Click Yes to reset the user password.
    A message appears notifying you that the user will have to change their password on the next login attempt.