Review what's new and what's changed in CoE Manager v.33.1 release.

v.33.1 updates

What's changed
Authentication using v2 authentication API

To authenticate using the Control Room URL integrated with CoE Manager, the v2 authentication API is used, as the v1 authentication API is now deprecated.

See Upcoming feature deprecations

When using API to retrieve the transaction data of an automation, the complete data set is now displayed.

Previously, data related to only the first 10 automations were displayed instead of the complete data set.


When the Test option is used to verify the Cloud Control Room credentials in the Admin-Tech tab, the authentication results are not updated unless the user refreshes the page each time.

Note: In addition to the above changes, all features introduced in CoE Manager v.33 release are also applicable to CoE Manager v.33.1 release.

v.33 updates

What's new
Choose execution tracked time duration unit

A new option, Execution Tracking Units is introduced in the Admin-Program tab. This feature allows you to set the execution tracked duration in seconds, minutes, or hours, providing precision and enhanced readability and interpretation. Different units are more suitable for varied time ranges, making the data easier to interpret. For example, it is simpler to understand an automation that took 2 hours than 7200 seconds. By choosing the appropriate unit of measure, you can ensure better clarity and insight in your data analysis and reporting.

New option to test credentials for Cloud Control Room integration

A new option to verify your Cloud Control Room credentials is added in the Admin-Tech tab. This feature provides instant feedback on the correctness of the credentials, allowing you to correct errors immediately than waiting until a sync failure occurs. This helps you proactively prevent potential delays in troubleshooting sync failures.

Enhanced dashboards with customizable time settings
You can now tailor the time range (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or customizable range up to a day) to analyze data that is most relevant to your requirements. These enhanced dashboards provide several benefits:
  • Provides actionable insights by allowing you to focus on specific time periods and analyze patterns and trends.
  • Enables creation of custom reports for different reporting cycles (weekly, quarterly, or annually), enhancing the relevance and accuracy of data-driven decisions.
  • Facilitates real-time monitoring with dynamically adjustable time settings, ensuring you are always up-to-date with the latest information.
  • Improves data visualization by enabling data comparisons across various time frames, supporting quicker decision-making process.
Enhanced cards view in dashboard

You can now click any card in the dashboard (forecasted savings, benefit deployed, benefit in progress, benefit in pipeline) to view detailed information about the achieved savings. This feature allows you to see the savings from each opportunity contributing to the total savings displayed on that card. It helps you identify which opportunities are impactful, aiding in informed decision making.

Dashboard page filters

You can now use the new page filters in the dashboard to filter your data by workstream or stage. For example, you can filter your dashboard data based on different organizational hierarchies such as Finance, Accounts, or Sales to get data specific to those departments. Additionally, you can filter data by each stage such as Idea, Pipeline, In Progress, or Deployed. This stage or workstream-specific information provides comprehensive visibility and actionable insights.