Validates annotated strings and values used in the Java code.

Annotation Description
CodeType The MIME-type of the code to format.
CredentialOnly Can only accept a credential value, no string allowed.
Equals Validates that the given string is equal to the annotated string variable.
FileExtension Validates the annotated string value that ends with the supported extension type.
GreaterThan Validates that the annotated number variable value is always greater than the given numeric value.
GreaterThanEqualTo Validates that the annotated number variable value is always greater than or equal to the given numeric value.
LessThan Validates that the annotated number variable value is always less than the given numeric value.
LessThanEqualTo Validates that the annotated number variable value is always less than or equal to the given numeric value.
LocalFile Can only accept local paths and no file expression.
MatchesRegex Validates that the annotated string value matches the given regular expression.
NotEmpty Validates and throws an exception when the annotated variable value is null.
public Value<Double>length(@Idx(index="1",
    type=TEXT)@Pkg(label="Source string")@NotEmpty String 
NotEquals Validates that the given string is not be equal to the annotated string variable.
NotMatchesRegex Validates that the annotated string value does not match the given regular expression.
NumberInteger Ensures the UI accepts only integers and not double for the annotated variable value.
RepositoryFile Can only accept repository paths and no file expression.
VariableNotPackage Cannot choose a variable from this package.
VariablePackage Can only choose a variable from this package.
VariableSubType The variable subtype must match.
VariableType The variable type must match.
VariableUserDefined Can only choose a user-defined variable.