Silent Control Room installation, also known as unattended installation, uses a customized script with parameters specific to your business requirements. The entire installation process runs in the background without requiring user interaction or displaying messages.


  • Verify you have completed the Automation 360 On-Premises prerequisites.
  • Ensure that you have the following:
    • Automation Anywhere Control Room installation file
    • SSL certificate
    • License file
  • Verify the installation server has internet access in order to update Linux kernel files and OS libraries using Yum updates. Alternatively, configure /etc/yum.conf on the installation server to use a repository local to its network. The repository should be up to date before starting the installation.
Two scripts run the Linux silent installation:
  • This script contains the installation parameters you want to apply during installation.
  • This script executes the first script.
See the installation parameters and sample scripts.

Run the script in Linux shell.


  1. Review the parameters and identify the settings you require.
    Control Room installation parameters
    Installation parameter Description Script response options
    Proceed with Installation The installer analyzes your system and notifies you if it does not meet the prerequisites. In silent mode, set the value to 1. 1 = Continue

    2 = Cancel

    Continue setup wizard The installer displays an introduction and offers options of back to return to a previous step and quit to cancel the installation.

    Default is Enter.

    Advance to end of License Agreement In console mode, you have the option to page through the license agreement. In silent mode, you advance to the end by selecting 0. 0
    Accept License Agreement Accept the license agreement to continue with the installation. In silent mode, set the value to Y. Y = Yes

    N = No

    Control Room HTTP Port The web server port you will use to access the Control Room with HTTP. The default value is 80.

    Replace the number 80 in the sample script to use a different port.

    80 = Default port

    yy = your port number yy

    Control Room HTTPS Port The web server port you will use to access the Control Room with HTTPS. The default value is 443.

    Replace the number 443 in the sample script to use a different port.

    443 = Default port

    zzz = your port number zzz

    TLS configuration: Self-Signed Certificate Choose to enable or disable the self-signed certificate. The default is Enable, or 1. 1 = Default (Enable)

    2 = Disable

    TLS Configuration: Force HTTP traffic to HTTPS Choose to disable or enable forcing traffic from HTTP to HTTPS. The default is Disable. 1 = Default (Disable

    2 = Enable

    Cluster setup Choose to disable or enable clustering. The default is Disable. 1 = Default (Disable)

    2 = Enable

    Database server URL Enter the URL of the server where the database resides.
    Database server port Default is 1433 1433
    Database name Default is localhost Default is localhost. If database is on a separate server, enter the host name.
    Database SA user name Database system administrator login ID Default is sa.
    Database SA user password Database system administrator login ID The password to log in to your database as system administrator user.
    Database Secure Connection Choose to disable or enable the connection. Default is Disable (1). 1 = Default (Disable)

    2 = Enable

    Pre-Installation summary If the output is directed to a console, the installer will show a summary of features selected and whether the prerequisites are met. Default is Enter \n
    Proceed Confirm to proceed with the installation. Default is Enter. \n
  2. Create the script, substituting values for your own environment.
    Important: Be sure to test the connection to the SQL Server and enter verified values for database name, database administrator login ID, database administrator password. Invalid values cause the script to stall and fail.

    Example script:
    echo "Starting Installation"
    # Variables to simplify customization
    INSTALLER_PATH="/Automation360_Build_<build-number>" 		# Change to the path of your installer
    INSTALL_SERVER="172.x.x.x"   					# Change to your Automation Anywhere install server
    SQL_PORT="0000"                                      		# Change to your SQL Server port if different
    DATABASE_NAME="Automation360-Database"            		# Replace with your database name
    SQL_ADMIN="aa"                                        		# Replace with your SQL Server admin ID
    SQL_PASSWORD="xxxxxxxxxx"                       		# Replace with your SQL Server admin password
    # Ensure the installer is executable
    sudo chmod a+x "$INSTALLER_PATH"
    # Run the installer
    sudo "$INSTALLER_PATH" << EOF
    1			                                         #Self Signed Certificate										 
    1			                                         #TLS Configuration  HTTP Traffic To HTTPS			
    1			                                         #Cluster Setup
    1			                                         #Service Startup (Default all Services)
  3. Create the script to execute
    This script writes the installation results to /home/Installlog. Change the path to the install log file, if required.
    echo "Starting Linux installation"
    sudo ./ >> /home/Installlog
    echo "Installation Completed Successfully"
  4. On the installation server, logged in as an Administrator, execute the scripts.
    1. $ sudo chmod a+x
    2. $ sudo chmod a+x
    3. $ sudo ./
  5. Review the installation log to confirm there were no errors.
    Note: The Control Room installation folder on Linux is located by default at /opt/automationanywhere/enterprise.

Next steps

Continue from the step Configure the post-installation settings in

Installing Control Room on Linux.