ROI in queue automations is calculated by the number of times the queue automations are deployed.


  1. In the Control Room, create a queue.
  2. Add work items to the queue.
  3. Create automation to process each record in the queue.
  4. In the Bot editor, click the actions menu at the top (vertical ellipsis) and select the work item template the queue is based on.
  5. Return to the Bot editor and complete the automation logic.
  6. Note down the automation ID of the queue automation.
  7. In the CoE Manager instance, open the relevant opportunity.
  8. Navigate to Details tab, select WLM Automation in the Automation Type field, and click Save.
  9. Link automation to opportunity to calculate ROI.
    Note: To calculate transaction-based ROI, you must use either the Analyze or the Pipeline Accelerator package in the extraction bot.