Use the actions in Automation 360 to create a bot and test the new package you have added to your Control Room.


Ensure you have the following to build the bot:

  • Access to the Control Room.
  • Credentials with AAE_Basic permission or a custom role to create bots.
  • Your workstation is a registered device in the Control Room.
  • Your package A2019FileDetails-2.0.9.jar is available in the Control Room.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  3. Click the Create a bot icon.
  4. In the Name field, enter TestingFileSize or any other name you want.
  5. Click Create & Edit.
  6. In the Actions pane, find File Details and drag File Size into the bot flow.
    1. In the Select a File for analysis field, select Desktop file, click Browse, and select any file from your desktop.
    2. Click Create variable to create a new number variable.
    3. In Create Variable, enter nFileSize and click Create & Select.
    4. Click Apply.
  7. In the Actions pane, find the Number package and drag the To String command.
    1. In the Enter a number field, enter F2, and select nFileSize.
    2. In the Assign the output to variable field, select prompt-assignment - String from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Apply.
  8. From the Actions pane, drag Message box.
  9. In the Enter the message to display field, click F2 and select the prompt-assignment variable.
  10. Click Apply and Save.
  11. Click Run.
    The bot displays the <The value of the file size> , which is a successful build.
If you were not able to run botyour bot, go back and modify your configuration steps in your Control Room.