Roles grant specific permissions to users, such as Bot Creators and Bot Runners.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

Assign specific permissions to each user. You can only select active users.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Roles.
  2. Click Create role.
  3. Enter the Name.
  4. Optional: Enter a description.
  5. Set the required permissions for the role associated with this repository.
  6. Click Bots.
  7. Select the desired repository folder and grant associating permissions.
    Select all Grant all associated permissions for the repository.
    Run Permission to run bots from the repository.
    Check in Permission to import bots to the repository.
    Check out Permission to export the bot from of the repository.
    Delete from Public Permission to permanently remove bots from the Public repository.
  8. Optional: Click RUN AS.
    This is where administrators select the specific device this role will have access to.
  9. Click Create role.

Next steps

Assign this role to the appropriate Bot Creator users.