Use the Add Attachment action to add a new attachment to the specified record in a ServiceNow Table app.


Ensure that you are authenticated before initiating any ServiceNow action. For more details, see ServiceNow authentication action.


  1. From the Actions pane, select ServiceNow > Attachments > Add Attachment and place it in the canvas.
  2. Specify details in the following fields:
    1. Enter the Table name.
      Note: For ServiceNow tables, ensure that you provide the Table name instead of the Label name.
    2. Enter the Sys_id. To get the sys_id of any record from ServiceNow, navigate to the record you want to attach a file to. Right-click on the header of the record (the area with the record's title and other information). From the menu that appears, select the option labeled Copy Sys_ID. This will copy the record's Sys_ID to your clipboard.
    3. Select the File to be uploaded by using one of the following options:
      • Control Room file: If the file exists within the Control Room folders, select this option.
      • Desktop file: If the file exists in your local system desktop, select this option and browse the file path.
      • Variable: You can also store the file path as a variable.
      Note: Maximum size of the file to upload cannot exceed 25 MB.
    4. (Optional) You can enter a name in the New file name field.
    5. The session name displays as Default.
    6. You can assign the attachment ID to a string variable. For example, the attachment ID is saved to str_AttachmentSysId.

      ServiceNow create attachment
  3. Click Run to save and run your bot.
  4. Verify whether the attachment is added in the ServiceNow record as shown below:
    View servicenow attachment created