When automations are executed, various dependencies and configurations are downloaded from the Control Room and stored as global cache. Those entries in the global cache that have not been used in the last 30 days (default expiry time) are deleted.

Note: This feature to configure global cache requires the Enterprise Platform license. For more information about supported version for this feature, see Enterprise Platform.
Control Room administrator or a user with administrator role can change the default expiry period of the global cache.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Devices.
  2. Click Edit in the Global cache expiry settings tab.
  3. From the Use these settings to configure the expiry period field, select one of the following options:
    • Expire - To change the default setting.

      Consider a scenario where you want to change the global cache expiry period to 60 days. Change the value in the Deletes the cache in days specified below field to 60.

    • Never expire - To cancel the periodic deletion of global cache.

      If you select this option, old or unused entries will be retained permanently and continue to occupy the storage space on the device.

  4. Click Save changes.