Set up and connect to Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension.


Note: Ensure third party partitioning is disabled in your Google Chrome settings. Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users FAQ
Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension requires setup and connection of your system, illustrated in the following diagram. Perform the following steps as an admin, entering your service account user for the connection.
automation copilot extensions architecture
The following video shows the setup process.


  1. To open the extensions setup in a new tab with context about the AAI tenant click Connect Accounts.
    Note: Your Control Room URL and Partner ID will be automatically filled as part of the setup.
  2. Select your Google or Microsoft account to begin the process of deploying and connecting Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension to your Control Room.
    Note: The Google or Microsoft account is only required during the first instance when you can link an AAI account. Proceeding steps can use the linked account.
  3. Enter a Name for the new Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension tenant that will be connected to your Control Room, for example, Production.
  4. In the Control Room settings:
    1. Enter the Username of the Service Account that you created previously.
    2. Enter the Service Account API Key to use for server-to-server communication.
  5. Select Connect.
    You are now connected to Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension, and you can assign developed content.

Next steps

Develop a widget for Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension