Bot Creators and Bot Runners rely on credentials to access necessary data relevant to the bot building process.


This task is performed by the user who wants to build and deploy bots. You must have the necessary rights and permissions to complete this task, and authorization to log in to the Control Room as the licensed user.

Bot Creators often require access to protected data to automate a process. Each Bot Creator is given credentials governing the data they are permitted to access.
Note: Administrators are required to have created the necessary roles and entitlements assigned to the user in order to update and use any granted permissions.


  1. Navigate to Manage > Credentials.
  2. From the list of credentials, select the one you want to manage, and click Edit.
    The configurable fields for the credential are displayed, based on the user granted permissions.
    For example, a bot is built that requires the authentication username and password to log in to a specific URL. The user will create a custom credential for this operation by amending the credential governed by the administrator, adding the additional security details. This way, the Bot Creator can authorize only that protected data deemed necessary for the automation.
  3. Click Save changes.