Any bot with triggers can be associated with users or role to enable event trigger. Control Room user (or role) with Manage event triggers permission can add event triggers.

All the bots a user creates are displayed in the Private tab. When the user checks in a bot to a public folder, it is displayed in the Public tab.

A private event trigger is created when a user with the Manage event triggers permission adds a trigger to a bot but does not check in this bot to a public folder. Private event triggers are listed under the Manage > Event triggers page. However, if the user checks in the associated bot to a public folder, it is no longer displayed under the Event triggers page.


  1. Click Automation.
  2. Click Run bot.
  3. Click Run with event triggers.
  4. Select the bot.
    • Latest version: Click Latest version tab to select the latest version of the bot.
    • Latest version: Click Production version tab to select the labeled version of the bot.

    If the production label option is selected for the parent bot, the corresponding dependent bots with the production label are also automatically selected. If any of the dependent bots do not have the production label applied, the latest version of the bot is selected.

  5. Click the right arrow () to add your selection.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select one of the following to link the bot:
    Roles Select the custom role you have created.
    Users Select the Bot Runner (attended or unattended) user who is associated with this custom role.
  8. Click the right arrow () to add your selection.
  9. Select the Automatically deploy to unattended Bot Runners option.
    Note: When you select this option, triggers will automatically deploy for unattended Bot Runner users, eliminating the need for users to manually log into their default system. Additionally, if their default system or Bot Agent gets rebooted, the system will automatically log back as the user, and deploy the triggers.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Run with event triggers.
The selected bot is added to the Event triggers page under Activity.