Use the Table element in the form builder to insert a customizable table in the form that can be used to populate data during bot runtime.


  1. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  2. Click an existing form or click Create new > Form.
    The form builder page appears.
  3. Drag Table to the form.
  4. Enter the name of the element in the Element label field.
  5. Optional: Enter hint text for the element in the Hint below field.
    For example, enter View outpatients details if the table is used to capture a list of outpatients.
  6. Optional: Specify your tooltip in Toop tip field.
    When you add a tooltip and hover, your specified text is displayed.
  7. Use the Rows before scrolling field to enter the minimum number of rows the table element must have before a scroll bar is added during bot runtime.
  8. Optional: Select the Enable row selection (Column 0).
    This will add a check box column in the first column of the table. This also provides a better user experience when multiple rows are needed to be highlighted or picked by the user (instead of asking the user to select from a drop-down).
    Note: The column is a Boolean type where true = row selected. This provides a true/false Boolean whether a row is selected or not, thus giving a form or bot to access this data. Further details at bottom of page.
  9. Add or remove the total number of columns.
  10. Click Column settings for additional options.
  11. In the Column settings page, click the Form element type drop-down menu to set the element type.
    For example, if you select Dropdown, use the Add dropdown content field to enter the items that must appear in the drop-down menu during bot runtime.
    Note: You can select Hyperlink as a column setting without having to use the TextBox element to cut and paste a URL into a browser tab. See Using the Hyperlink element.
  12. Optional: Click Make columns width equal.
  13. Optional: Select any of the following Advance behavior options to enable them:
    • Make table uneditable: Enables a read-only view during bot runtime.
    • Include table actions: Enables users to add, remove or edit table rows during bot runtime.

      If you use the table actions to delete all the rows from a table and then add a new row, the columns and rows of the table appear misaligned. Drag and resize any column to reset the alignment.

    • Enable column filtering: Enables users to search and filter the content for all the available columns during bot runtime. This enhances the search for content that is referenced by the column values.
  14. Click Save.

Row selection

The row selection setting of the table element performs the expected behavior during bot execution. If row selection is enabled, the first column for the table is always expected to be Boolean (selected or unselected). The following example demonstrates the difference in table data (four column table: Col0 = TextBox, Col1= Date, Col3 = Number, Col4 = TextArea ).
Table 1. Row selection setting in the table element
Setting Datatable in the bot will have the following datatype
Disabled Col0 = String, Col1 = DateTime, Col3 = Number, Col4 = String
Enabled Col0= Boolean, Col1 = String, Col2 = DateTime, Col4 = Number, Col5 = String