System roles

System roles are preconfigured with the permissions necessary to perform the tasks within the scope of that role. You can modify and customize these roles to add appropriate permissions as required. Administrators assign the roles to the authorized users to enable them to access features and perform operations in the Control Room.

Note: You can create your own roles as per your organizational requirements and use them instead of using system defined roles. You are no longer restricted to user system defines roles.

Automation 360 roles

Role Permissions

This role allows access to all features, enables users to create other Admin users, and access to all folders and files in the public workspace, including permissions to Create/Edit/Delete Global Values. This is the only role that can access Control Room settings.

View dashboards
  • View my in-progress activity
  • Manage my in-progress activity
  • View in-progress activity from user's folder
  • Manage in-progress activity from user's folder
  • View everyone's in-progress activity
  • Manage everyone's in-progress activity
  • View my scheduled bots
  • Schedule my bots to run
  • Edit my scheduled activity
  • Delete my scheduled activity
  • View all scheduled activity from my folders
  • Manage all scheduled activity from my folders
  • View all scheduled activity
  • Manage all scheduled activity
  • Set automation priority to high
Event Triggers
  • View event triggers
  • Manage event triggers
  • View and manage my event triggers from private repository that are on local devices
  • View my bots
  • Run my bots
  • Download exported files
  • Import my bots
  • Export my bots
  • Label bots
  • Recover bots
  • Create folders
  • Rename folders
  • Cancel checkout
  • Restore from git
Global Values
View and manage global values
  • Manage my credentials and lockers
  • Create standard attributes for a credential
  • Bot Auto-Login Credentials API
OAuth Connections
  • View OAuth connections
  • Manage OAuth connections
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Package Manager
View and manage packages
  • Register device
  • Edit the devices
  • Delete the devices
  • View and manage all devices
  • View all bot runner users
  • Attest device credentials
  • View and manage my Bot Runners, Bot Creators, and device pools
Manage all queues
Bot Store
  • View Bot Store
  • Submit bots to Bot Store
Audit Log
View everyone's audit log actions
  • View users
  • Create users
  • Edit users
  • Delete users
  • View roles
  • Manage roles
  • View Users and Roles basic information
  • View settings
  • Manage settings
  • View and manage compliance reports
  • View migration
  • Manage migration
  • View bot update
  • Manage bot update
  • Allow a Bot Runner user to update bots
  • View licenses
  • Manage user's device licenses
  • Install licenses
  • View policies
  • Manage policies
  • View operation data
  • View operation details
Bot Insight Data API

This role provides permissions to upload and download Task Bots in the My Tasks folder. Limited access to other features.

View dashboards
  • View my bots
  • Run my bots
Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Package Manager
View packages
Register device
Bot Store
View Bot Store
View basic information about users and roles
AAE_Bot Developer
This role allows users to download bots or packages from Bot Store to the Control Room private workspace.
Note: This role does not grant permission to register a device, or check bots in or out of the public workspace.
  • View my bots
  • Run my bots
  • Import bots
  • Create folders
Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Package Manager
  • View packages
  • Manage packages
Bot Store
  • View bots from Bot Store
  • Add bots from Bot Store to My Bots
View Users and Roles basic information
AAE_Locker Admin

Can view all credentials and all lockers. They can change the owner of a credential that they do not own. For lockers they do not own, they can delete the locker, edit permissions, and remove credentials.

  • Manage my lockers
  • Administer all lockers and take limited action on lockers
  • Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
View Users and Roles basic information
AAE_Pool Admin
Permissions to view and manage all device pools.
Note: This role does not grant permission to view bots.
Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
  • View and manage my Bot Runners, Bot Creators, and device pools
  • Create device pools
  • Administer all device pools
View Users and Roles basic information
AAE_Queue Admin

Permissions to view and manage all queues.

Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
  • Create queues
  • Manage all queues
  • Export queues
  • Import queues
View Users and Roles basic information
AAE_Bot Migration Admin
This role allows users to view and manage the bot migration process.
Note: This role also has permissions to view content, and check in and check out bots from the Bots, My Tasks, and My MetaBots folders. These folder permissions are implicit and not displayed on the application.
View my activity
  • View my bots
  • Run my bots
  • Manage my credentials and lockers
  • Create standard attributes for a credential
  • View and edit all credentials attributes value
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Package Manager
View packages
  • Register device
  • View all bot runner users
  • View and manage my Bot Runners, Bot Creators, and device pools
Audit Log
View everyone's audit log actions
  • View basic information about users and roles
  • View migration
  • Manage migration
  • Allow a Bot Runner to perform migrations

IQ Bot roles

Role Permissions
AAE_IQ Bot Validator

For a Bot Runner with an IQ Bot license. Permissions to access the IQ Bot Validator screen. Limited access to Control Room features.

Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
View Users and Roles basic information
IQ Bot
  • View IQ Bot
  • View learning Instances
  • Launch validator
AAE_IQ Bot Services

Permissions to access the IQ Bot console. Limited access to Control Room features.

Set automation priority to high
Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
View Users and Roles basic information
IQ Bot
  • View IQ Bot
  • View learning Instances
  • View all learning instances
  • Launch validator
  • Create learning instances
  • Edit learning instances
  • Delete learning instances
  • Send learning instances to production
  • Train learning instance groups
  • Connect Learning Instance
AAE_IQ Bot Admin

Allows access to all IQ Bot features.

Set automation priority to high
Create standard attributes for a credential
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Audit Log
View everyone's audit log actions
View Users and Roles basic information
IQ Bot
  • View IQ Bot
  • View learning instances
  • View learning instances from the same role
  • View all learning instances
  • Launch validator
  • Create learning instances
  • Edit learning instances
  • Delete learning instances
  • Send learning instances to production
  • Train learning instance groups
  • View domains
  • Create domains
  • Import domains
  • Export domains
  • View Administration
  • View and manage settings
  • View and manage migration

Bot Insight roles

See Roles to access Bot Insight.

Discovery Bot roles

Role Permissions
AAE_Discovery Bot Admin

Allows access to view all Discovery Bot processes. Manages the creation, deletion, and editing of processes.

Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
  • View users
  • View Users and Roles basic information
Discovery Bot
  • View all processes
  • Edit process
AAE_Discovery Bot Analyst

Allows access to view and edit all approved recordings from assigned users for a given process. Permissions for system-generated aggregated view of recordings to view, create, edit, and delete views. Permissions to create, view, edit, and delete opportunities for assigned processes. Export the opportunity to a word document and convert to a bot.

Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
View Users and Roles basic information
Discovery Bot
  • View assigned processes
  • View own aggregation
  • Create or delete own aggregation
  • Edit aggregation
  • View system-generated aggregation
  • View opportunity
  • Create or delete opportunity
  • Convert to bot
  • Export opportunity
  • View all recordings
  • View all aggregation
AAE_Discovery Bot User

Allows access to view the assigned Discovery Bot process assigned to a user. Create and run the Discovery Bot recorder for assigned business processes. Permissions to view, edit, and delete a user's own recordings.

Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Package Manager
View packages
Register device
View Users and Roles basic information
Discovery Bot
  • View assigned processes
  • View own recording
  • Run recorder and create recording
  • Edit own recording
  • Delete own recording

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users roles

Role Permissions
AAE_Robotic Interface Admin
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Process Composer
  • View and Manage all processes

  • View all requests from public processes
    • View all requests from public and private processes

  • Delete my requests

    • Delete my group requests
    • Delete all requests
  • View all tasks from public processes
    • View all tasks from public and private processes
  • Reassign my group tasks
    • Reassign all tasks
Automation Co-Pilot Setup
  • View and Manage all applications
  • View and Manage all extensions
  • View and Manage all botsbots
  • View and Manage My teams
    • View and Manage all teams
AAE_Robotic Interface Manager
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
  • View users
  • Edit users
  • View Users and Roles basic information
Automation Co-Pilot
  • Team Management
  • Case Management
  • Task Management
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Process Composer
  • Reassign my group tasks
  • Delete my requests
    • Delete my group requests
Automation Co-Pilot Setup
View and Manage MY teams
AAE_Robotic Interface User
Code Analysis Policy Enforcement
Enable enforcement for bot check-in
Process Composer
Reassign my group tasks
Delete my requests