The details about the mail server you provide when establishing a connection varies based on the email server to which you are connecting.

The following table provides information about the host name and the port you must use when establishing a connection to the specified mail server:
Server For reading or retrieving emails For sending emails
Microsoft Outlook/Microsoft Office 365 Host:

Port: 993


Port: 993

Port: 587

Gmail Host:

Port: 993


Port: 587

Yahoo Host:

Port: 993


Port: 465 or 587

MSN Host:

Port: 993

For POP3:


Port: 993


Port: 465 or 587

The Email package supports nonstandard ports in the range of 1 through 65535 for the SMTP server.

Additional configuration for Gmail and Yahoo

Google no longer supports using less secured apps which only require you to enter your username and password to log in to your Google Account. If you are using a Gmail account to automate an email-related task, you can grant access to third-party applications by using the App password.

You can use the App password if the application does not support Sign in with Google to connect apps to your Google Account. You can only use App passwords with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on. As a best practice, use OAuth 2.0 authentication to access G Suite account data.

For more information on how to generate an app password for Gmail, see Generate and use app passwords for Gmail.

If you are using a Yahoo account to automate an email-related task, you must generate the app password from the Yahoo account security page. You can then use the app password and email address to log in to your email account.

For more information on how to generate an app password for Yahoo, see Generate and use app passwords for yahoo.