Use the Universal Recorder to capture objects from Java applet, web start, and desktop applications that run using Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Automation 360 supports JRE 6 and later on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Verify whether additional configuration is necessary, depending on the JRE version:

  • If JRE 7 update 6 or later is installed on the registered device, Java Access Bridge is automatically installed on that device.
  • If JRE 7 update 5 or earlier is installed on the registered device, you must manually copy the required files to the corresponding directories. See Java Access Bridge.
  • If you have more than one version of JRE, Automation 360 configures Java Access Bridge with the default version. To configure it to a different version, you must manually copy the required files to the corresponding directories. See Java Access Bridge.

The first time you record a task in an application running on JRE 6 or 7 update 5 or earlier, an error message might appear if the application is launched before Java Access Bridge is installed. Restart the application and proceed with recording the task.