Installing Control Room on Microsoft Windows Server using scripts
- Updated: 2025/03/12
Installing Control Room on Microsoft Windows Server using scripts
Silent Control Room installation, also known as unattended installation, uses a customized script for a full setup or an update setup. Silent installation runs the entire installation process in the background, without requiring user interaction or displaying messages.
To perform the task, you must have a Control Room administrator account with the required rights and permissions.
- Disable the User Access Control (UAC) on host VM for Control Room.
- Verify Automation 360 On-Premises prerequisites.
- Ensure that you have the following:
- Automation Anywhere Control Room installation file
- TLS certificate
- License file
- Create a Powershell script.
See the installation parameters and sample scripts.
- Run the script in Powershell.
Review the parameters and identify the settings you require.
- Control Room installation parameters
Variable name Description AA_CRCLUSTERCONFIG
if AA_SETCLUSTERMODE=1 then cluster IP comma separated
Control Room database port. Default value is 1433 AA_CRDBSSLMODE
Force traffic from HTTP to HTTPS AA_CRHTTPPORT
Control Room HTTP port. Default is 5432 AA_CRHTTPSPORT Control Room HTTPS port AA_CRLISTENPORT Web server port. Default value is 80 AA_CRLOGDATADIR Data and logs path are unique to this server AA_CRSERVICECONFIRMPASSWD If AA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED= 0, then confirm password AA_CRSERVICEPASSWD If AA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED= 0, then confirm password AA_CRSERVICEUSERNAME if AA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED= 0, then add domain\user name
AA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED - 1 if service logon as System
- 0 if service logon as specific user
AA_CRWCCERTPASSWD Certificate password AA_CRSELFSIGNCERT 1 for self-signed certificate AA_CRWCCERTPATH Certificate path AA_LOCAL_IPADDRESS_COMBO The local IP drop-down menu to select an IP address configured on this machine AA_SDSFEATURE - true=Cloud deployment type
- false=On-Premises deployment type
AA_SETCLUSTERMODE For cluster set 1, otherwise 0 AA_SETUPTYPE Setup type Custom or Express INSTALLDIR Installation Directory IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION - 0 for Windows authentication
- 1 for SQL authentication
- 2 for Azure AD authentication
IS_SQLSERVER_DATABASE SQL database name IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER SQL server name (host name)
The following table lists optional Control Room service parameters that can be used based on your requirement. During installation these services are displayed by default and the user has the option to clear the check box of the services to restrict the installation.Variable name Description AA_STARTSERVICE_COPILOT
- 1 indicates the service will start
- 0 indicates the service will remain stopped
- 1 indicates the service will start
- 0 indicates the service will remain stopped
- 1 indicates the service will start
- 0 indicates the service will remain stopped
- 1 indicates the service will start
- 0 indicates the service will remain stopped
- 1 indicates the service will start
- 0 indicates the service will remain stopped
- OpenSearch related parameters
Note: Starting from Automation 360 v.28 release (Build 17593), the Elasticsearch service is replaced with OpenSearch service as the underlying technology for core product capabilities such as audit, Bot Insight, and so on.
Parameter Description AA_ELASTICSEARCH_BACKUP Used only if installing on the first node of a backup server. Enter 1 if yes.
Note: The AA_ELASTICSEARCH_BACKUP parameter is used when you install an Control Room as backup server for audit.AA_ELASTICSEARCHSYSIP IP address of the machine where the Control Room will be installed AA_ESPASSWD Password for Elasticsearch Note: An additional parameter for confirming the password is not available. The password must have a minimum of 6 characters. -
Key-vault related parameters
Parameter Description AA_KEYVAULTTYPE Enter any of the following: - NONE if you do not want to define a key vault
- AWSS for AWS Secrets Manager
- CARK for CyberArk
IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION Enter any of the following: - 0 if SQL server authentication is not set
- 1 if SQL server authentication is set
IS_SQLSERVER_EKVAUTHENTICATION Use this if the SQL server authentication is configured for an external key vault. Enter any of the following: - 0 if SQL server authentication does not use an external key vault
- 1 if SQL server authentication for a key vault is configured for CyberArk
- 2 if SQL server authentication for a key vault is configured for AWS Secrets Manager
AA_CRSERVICECREDTYPE Enter any of the following: - LOCAL if the Control Room database uses local authentication.
- SERVICE if the Control Room database uses custom authentication.
- SERVICEEKV if the Control Room database uses external key vault for authentication.
AWS Secrets Manager key vault parameters AA_AWSSREGION AWS region AA_DBAUTHAWSSECRET AWS sqllogin secret AA_CRSERVAWSSECRET AWS service secret CyberArk key vault parameters AA_CARKAPPID CyberArk app ID AA_CARKCERTIFICATE Full certificate filename with path AA_CARKOPTIONALCERT Optional certificate filename with path AA_CARKCERTPASSPHRASE Certificate passphrase AA_CARKVAULTURL CyberArk URL AA_DBAUTHCARKOBJECTNAME CyberArk sqllogin object name AA_DBAUTHCARKSAFENAME CyberArk sqllogin safe name AA_CRSERVCARKOBJECTNAME CyberArk service credential AA_CRSERVCARKSAFENAME CyberArk service locker -
IPv6-related parameters
Parameter Description AA_IPV6ENABLED Enter 1 to enable IPv6 addresses To disable IPv6 addresses, do not enter the parameter.
- Control Room installation parameters
- Optional:
Edit the sample script to use a Microsoft SQL Server database.
Use the script to install the Control Room with the configuration options available in the installer.
Correct values for variables such as
. - Run the script with Credentials in Service logon, and a non-secure connection using Microsoft SQL Server authentication with a new database.
Sample script:$cr_port=80 $service_username= "domain\username" #e.g."aaspl-brd\ellie.brown" $service_pwd="password" #$certpath = "C:\SilentInstall\test256.pfx" #$certpass = "changeit" $db_server="localhost" $cr_db_name="CRDB-NEW-SI-3" $db_user="sa" $db_pwd="Admin@123" $elastic_password="Test@123" $installation_path="C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere" #Install latest setup $static_installation_path="\Enterprise\""""" $silent_details=" /s ","v""" -join "/" $installpath_details=" /qn INSTALLDIR=\""" $deployment_details=" /AA_SDSFEATURE=true" $custom_details=" /vAA_SETUPTYPE=Custom /vAA_CUSTOMMODETYPE=1" $port_cluster_details=" /vAA_SETCLUSTERMODE=0 /vAA_CRLISTENPORT=$cr_port" #$service_details=" /vAA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED=0 /vAA_CRSERVICEUSERNAME=$service_username /vAA_CRSERVICEPASSWD=$service_pwd /vAA_CRSERVICECONFIRMPASSWD=$service_pwd" $service_details=" /vAA_CRSETLOCALSERVICECRED=1" #$service_selections (The below parameter is optional and must be used if you want to selectively install the services. To install any specific service, set the value to 1 or remove that specific service from the below parameter.) $service_selections=" /vAA_STARTSERVICE_IQBOT=0 /vAA_STARTSERVICE_COPILOT=0 /vAA_STARTSERVICE_STORAGE=0 /vAA_STARTSERVICE_DISCOVERYBOT=0 /vAA_STARTSERVICE_DISCOVERYBOTML=0" #$db_details=" /vAA_BIMETADATADBTYPE=AA_BIMETADATADBTYPE /vIS_SQLSERVER_SERVER=$db_server /vIS_SQLSERVER_DATABASE=$cr_db_name /vIS_SQLSERVER_DATABASE1=$bi_db_name" $db_details=" /vIS_SQLSERVER_SERVER=$db_server /vIS_SQLSERVER_USERNAME=$db_user /vIS_SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=$db_pwd /vIS_SQLSERVER_DATABASE=$cr_db_name /vIS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION=1" $other=" /vAA_ESPASSWD=$elastic_password /vAA_CRWCHTTPPORT=80 /vAA_CRWCHTTPSPORT=443 /vAA_CRSELFSIGNCERT=1 /vAA_OPTIONALCACERT=0 /vAA_CRWCCERTPATH=$certpath /vAA_CRWCCERTPASSWD=$certpass /vLAUNCHPROGRAM=1 /v"" /LIweamoruc! log.txt""" #Ensure that you remove the $service_selection parameter from the $final_command line if $serice_selection is not used. $final_commandline = -join($silent_details, $installpath_details,$installation_path, $static_installation_path,$custom_details, $port_cluster_details,$service_details,$service_selections, $db_details,$pg_details,$other) Write-Host $final_commandline $a=Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\* -Include *.exe #$a = "C:\Silent\AutomationAnywhereEnterprise_A2019_<build>.exe" Write-Host $a Write-Host "Starting the installation wait for sometime..." $processdetail=(Start-Process -FilePath $a -ArgumentList $final_commandline -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode Write-Host $a.Name execution is done. If installation is not proper check msi logs in the temp folder. pause
Note: When using Windows authentication for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server database, ensure that the following settings are configured:-
The IS_SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION installation parameter should be set to 0
The user assigned to the $service_username parameter should be an active user in Microsoft SQL Server with permissions set as: db_datareader, db_datawriter, and db_ddladmin
The $db_user and $db_pwd parameter values should be disabled or commented out
Correct values for variables such as
- Save the script you edit to the server for installation.
- On the installation server, log on as an administrator, open Powershell in admin mode, and execute the following: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Start Powershell in admin mode and execute: .\install.ps1
Note: The silent installation logs are stored in the folder from which the installation script is executed. For example, if you run the script from C:\Silent Install, the logs are stored in C:\Silent Install folder.
Next steps
- After installing the Control Room, complete the configuration settings to ensure timely Automation Anywhere communications are specified and confirm Automation Anywhere services are running.
- After completing the post-installation tasks, validate the setup by logging in to the Control Room and installing a license. First time access to the Control Room walks you through the configuration for your authentication method.
- As a Cloud user with administrator permissions, you can create, view, edit, delete, and enable or disable a user. Creating users steps vary depending on whether the user is a non-Active Directory, Active Directory, or single sign-on (SSO) user from an IdP server.