As a developer, you can design smart forms to embed in a widget of a host web application where you can run a script to populate data dynamically.

This enhanced form builder experience enables you to quickly design smart forms with more concise controls. The smart forms are embedded as a widget (using iFrame widgets) in a web application where you can populate data dynamically and run your automations.

Flow diagram for smart embbeded forms and dynamic data mapping

See the following video for an overview of smart forms and dynamic data mapping:

What a developer can do

Design smart forms with the enhanced form builder:
  • Drag form elements directly to the form builder to add new elements.
  • Resize individual form elements to a precise length.
  • Design forms to use in an embedded widget.
Populate data dynamically in an embedded widget:
  • Utilize a Javascript for a host web application to read and use as inputs in processes. Map host data to Automation Co-Pilot forms
  • Run a script (postMessage API JavaScript) to populate the data of the process based on the process ID, element ID, and its value.


Smart embedded forms provides the following benefits:
  • Dragging and resizing form elements are a seamless and consistent experience.
  • Developers can quickly add new elements to their forms.
  • Forms created in the form builder is rendered the same way in an embedded widget.
  • Form builder supports up to 25 form elements.
  • Behaviors of the older forms are maintained.
Dynamic data mapping provides the following benefits:
  • Data is populated dynamically to avoid repetitive data re-entry.
  • Only specified data are dynamically populated, which provides a secure way to run automations.