This page lists all the available bots for a learning instance, and enables you to perform tasks such as run, change the status, or launch the IQ Bot Designer.

Create a bot to extract text from a document. Define the field labels and values in a document so that the system can learn from it and automatically process other documents in the document group..

Monitor the progress and status of all bots created for a learning instance and set the status from Staging to the Production environment.

Testing a bot verifies that the bot can reach the required accuracy based on the training. It also runs it against all the sample documents associated with that category or group and benchmarks document and field accuracy. Test a bot only in the Staging environment.
  • To view the updated document and field accuracy, refresh the Bots page and click the bot name. The updated document and field accuracy appear in the details area.
  • You cannot edit a bot that another user is already editing.

Various bot states

The status of a bot is dependent on the state of the learning instance as well as the bot. The table below shows the relationship between learning instance state, bot state, and bot status.

Learning Instance State Bot State Bot Status
Staging Staging Training
Staging Production Ready
Production Staging Training
Production Production Active
Created Not created No listing

Delete a bot

The following are some key points:
  • Clicking the Delete bot button displays a message asking if you want to delete the Bot. Selecting yes displays a success message in the Learning Instance details page. The Summary tab shows the updated information in the Staging and Production results sections for the Groups found and Bots created fields.
  • You can delete a Bot in Staging only. Once deleted, the Bot does not display in the Learning Instance details page or the Bot listing page.
    • All associated staging documents are removed from the system.
    • All associated unprocessed production documents get moved to the Validator for processing.
    Note: A new Bot is created when the same documents are uploaded again to Staging or Production.
  • On re-uploading the deleted documents from the learning instance, the system classifies the documents and displays the groups again with the Create Bot option for each group. Clicking the Create Bot option creates the Bot and you can see it in the Create Bot details page.
  • In case of backend exceptions, such as disruption of Services, the system does not let you delete the Bot . Instead, it displays an error message saying that an unexpected error has occurred.